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Discussion Board in English WHAT A POLITICAL TSUNAMI! by Edward Abyei Lino
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06-17-2011, 03:05 PM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818


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06-17-2011, 03:05 PM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818

Re: WHAT A POLITICAL TSUNAMI! by Edward Abyei Lino (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    WHAT A POLITICAL TSUNAMI! by Edward Abyei Lino
    17/06/2011 09:40:00
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    Edward Abyei Lino Edward Abyei Lino


    Edward Abyei Lino 16/062011

    Since June 30 1989 when the name of Omer Ahmed Hassan al-Bashier was announced as the coup maker, in less than two days we came to know him: where and how he was born, how and whom he grew to be, to which school of thought he belonged and to which political party. We also knew his social inclinations, associations, behavior as well as his deeds. In the Sudan people know themselves from distances. Every little thing about a person becomes known. Good is always added to the person and bad to taken a stigma that shall haunt a person for a long time may be until after death! We almost had his political x-ray arrayed before us, as we found that he is a man capable of committing un-imaginable crimes!

    Omer al-Bashier grew up as a notorious lier, “al-Bashier al-kadhab”! So was he well known in his Secondary School, when he stole phosphorus for the lab, dugged it in his short which burnt him as he started to run, around his waist and flatly denied it! The way he denied it became fortelling and so did he become a well known lier. That is how he became notoriously known in the Sudanese army. He tells you one thing while thinking about other more terrible things to land on you as soon as you leave him, if you decline to serve him. Habitually, he is fond of writing on the back of people whom he dislikes. That is how al-Bashier strongly believes politics should be played like the assassination attempt on President Mubarak in Addis, Gaddafi in Bab-al-Aiziya, Dr John Garang and his friendship and close association with Osama ben-Laden about whom no person has ever talked, although he was his real host.

    And behind al-Bashier firmly stand those groups of followers arrayed in the same feathers and colours. Now in Khartoum, there are many unconfirmed stories about how Omer al-Bashier got rid of his first First Vice-President az-Zuber Mohammed Saleh whom people believe to be an out-sider of the ruling party. Az-Zuber was not a member of NIF. So it was strange to have kept him for that long! The tragic death of Ibrahim Shams-el-Diin is also being talked about as something done by al-Bashier to inherit the wife of Ibrahim, who is his second wife! There are many unsubstanciated stories. There are strange things they do and they do it because it will not be easy to believe that they have done it. They are real experts in the art of concealling crimes. The longer dictators stay in power, the more unbelieveable stories about them and so are al-Bashier’s stories of his dishonesty.

    Born and brought up in a two-room-donkey-dung house in Kobar Khartoum North, in a below-modest house of a diary farm worker, now the family has a sizable part of lands streching in Kobar, built the biggest mosque in the Sudan - Masjid en-Nur in menory of his well known father, as a pious man! All the land taken by his family mambers and named as ‘Hosh-Banaga’, after a tiny town north of Khartoum along the Nile, which was a ‘fence’ belonging to one of the most notorious Turkish slave-merchant invaders by name Abu-Naga during the 19th century to whom the Bashiers as a family affiliate their ‘ancesteral belonging’, as Bideriya who descended from a west African origin, who eventually escaped a murder case in Gezira committed by their grand-father, and desired to be Arabized and so they became, in spite of the fact that Abu-Naga was an infamous Turkish slaver-master. His full name is Omer Ahmed Hassan al-Bashier Agah!

    Dr John Garang in his speech to the nation, early August 1989, following the assendence of al-Bashier into power, told the nation and the world that, the coup was planned by the Muslim fundamentalists, who took power by night when people were still in bed to avoid the “peace process”, which was in full swing following the Koka-Dam Declaration. By then the NIF, the National Islamic Front, was the only political party in the Sudan which did not sign or even accept the peace process, which converges all the political parties in one “Contitutional Confrerence” that was called for by SPLM. That calling-alert by Dr John Garang was not heeded to, but was taken by the weatern powers as a ‘communistic voice in wilderness’ at the collapse of the eastern block, not knowing the stuation we were in, in a closed land-locked part of the country. Dr John Garang was never seen as a Sudanese intellectual, but a Southern Sudanese rebel allied to communists, Mengistu Haile Mariam who was targetted in collaboration with the NIF in the Sudan.

    The NIF refused to hear anything called “national concensus to be arrived at with the SPLM” in the Sudan and for that specific reason they decided to cook the present coup, while they started aggressively to think about how to attack America it-self in the years following their take-over of the Sudan! They see themselves as the only people who know what is good for all the Sudanese and the only people who can serve the good they see. Meaning, they are people who can conceive what is good, make it and serve it. There accptance remains paramount to every acceptence! They are the best cooks and you should take that with crave, because they were so directed to cook by God. They attracted criminals: embasselers, robbers, swindlers, forgers, pimps, liers and informers and gave them full powers to rule as they want. To the Islamic fundamentalists power is a matter of life and death!

    I was sitting relaxed next to my daughter when the news broke showing the mighty tides of tsunami gushing like carrying the ocean over the shores of north eastern Japan. It was so amazing! But our political tsunami took place in the dark hours before dawn in the last day of June 1989. That is the reason why people did not see its culculated slow move which devastated the largest country on the African continent! That coup in fact, was a huge political tsunami with a very far reaching devastating effect on the whole continent and the world at large, which Prsident Clinton very clearly saw. He glaringly saw the grave danger when the wave of the Sudanese political tsunami reached the WTC in New York and he acted very firmly against it. The retaliatory bombing of al-Shifa Pharmcuticals in Khartoum North in the Sudan was not that simple. It was the first response to what Dr John Garang said about the presence of a world danger in the making in the Sudan.

    Such a rouge regime would definitely need a rouge leader in the person of Omer al-Bashier to lead it and there he is! He is a man devoid of sorrow or remorse. Ready to kill and eat ambrosia ‘sadaqa’ with the relatives of the deceased whom he killed! When charges started to pile against him in the Iternational Criminal Court in the Haigue, violently al-Bashier began to fight the wind! First he thought it was the wind which was carrying the charges. He went wild and thought he will succeed to defy the descision of the Court but, he never succeed to do so. Like a fly hoplessly blocked in a bottle, he could see the way out but, fail to make it. He has vividly started to see the parameters of that electronically guarded prison closing up around him and that irritates him beyond control like the first day of a monkey in a cage. In the coming few weeka or days we might heart that he ran out of the Palace naked into the Nile!

    When I gave my first reaction concerning his being wanted by the ICC, when I was by then in Cairo in 2009, I frankly told him to do one of the two: Either to deliver himself to the Court or he commits suicide! He cannot refuse what the whole world knows it shall be done sooner or latter! It is not people like al-Bashier who can defy the world and contunue to increase with more new crimes against humanity in Abyei and the Nuba Mountains. The olden days of impunity are over. If he thinks that he was pardoned as far as the South is concerned, then what is going on now in Abyei and the Nuba Mountains like Dar-Fur shall shall make him pay for all what he did in the whole Sudan. Al-Bashier shall not think of flying to Malaysia where they banked part of their ngs. As wanted killers, they shall never enjoy what they looted, because the world is there already watching.

    He was practically reminded after his ‘triumphant’ trip less than two hours to Asmara in 2009. The reminder was that: Hoooi, do not play with fire, they are watching! His second trip to Cairo was linked to with discussing peace process in the Sudan. His third visit was to Tchad, where President Dibi was warned by ICC and France not to also play with fire! Al-Bashier went after far to the Gulf States where the problem of Dar-Fur was being mediated. He flew to Libya to attend the EUA-frican Conference, but he was tactically told by the Libyans not to enter the Conference Hall, because it will be boycotted by the Europeans; meaning you might be arrested! But as I wrote before, he resuses to admit his incomptance to defy the ICC until he falls into the trap. He likes to play around thinking that he shall make the ICC get frustraded and forget about him.

    He can only be forgotten the day he is locked in the wall of the ICC. Now with all the crimes he is still committing, compiling charges against his people, how can our African Leaders fail to understand that al-Bashier is an avowed criminal againt the African people in his country, the Sudan? Thanks to all Arab Gulf States who have at last removed solidarity with Omer al-Bashier, a Muslim and pretenciously an Arab. Now the doors of Mecca are even near-closing in his criminal face. The road to Gulf States are also being closed. He is now left with two countries of weight in the whole world, Chaina and Iran. What shall he do! But amaizingly, he forgetfully plays, as if the ICC is giving him fodder to fatten him before slaughter, like a fluffy senile pig!

    Today and from the Peoples Palace in Khartoum, al-Bashier said that he will not be able to attend the Economic Conference in Malaysia, because he has a long schadual to attend to, afraid to be there! The big fact is that Malaysia, which they perceived as their last future “save heaven”, when the they shall soon be no more, has turned to be a ‘waiting room’ from which they shall all be taken to the Haigue to face justice. Whether they report to the Haigue or take little rest in Malaysia, they should better know what al-Hilu flanked by the Sudanese people in North Sudan shall do to them is something that shall save the Sudanese people from that political tsunami!!!

Arabic Forum

06-17-2011, 09:10 PM
Walid Safwat
<aWalid Safwat
Registered: 01-15-2003
Total Posts: 1227

Re: WHAT A POLITICAL TSUNAMI! by Edward Abyei Lino (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    This cannot be the same Edward Abyei Lino who was my classmate in the past.
    The writer lacks the basic command of the writing-for-publishing language skills.
    The credibility of the content is lost in the midst of the grave spelling mistakes and poor sentences structure.
    The effort of the writer went to the shores and never returned. Editing is heavily required to grant the effort it's dues.

Arabic Forum

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