02-29-2008, 01:00 PM |
Ahmed Mohamedain
Ahmed Mohamedain
Registered: 07-19-2005
Total Posts: 1477
Wanted for War Crimes
In August 2003 it is alleged that Ahmad Harun, a Sudanese Government Minister, and Ali Kushayb a leader of the Janjaweed, organised the destruction of Bindisi - a town in Darfur. The ICC prosecutor states that their followers murdered over 100 civilians from the Fur tribe, raped women and girls, destroyed the mosque and food stores, and forced 34,000 people to flee.*
Since the warrants for their arrest were issued by the International Criminal Court neither man has been handed over to the ICC or prosecuted by Sudanese courts. Instead, Ali Kushayb has been freed from prison while Harun has remained in his post as State Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and was appointed to co-chair a committee charged with investigating human rights complaints, including those committed in Darfur. As Minister he is responsible for those displaced by the violence in Darfur, and is also charged with liaising with the UNAMID peacekeeping force currently being deployed to protect those same people. Thus one of the chief suspects in an investigation into mass murder is now responsible for the fate of the victims.
Please express your deepest concern at Sudan's defiance of international law and call for the United Nations Security Council to: - visit Khartoum in May 2008 to ask for the Sudanese government to hand over the two suspects - impose targeted sanctions (asset freezes) on the Sudanese Government ministers protecting these two men.