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Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered

11-21-2007, 04:56 AM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818

Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered


    Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute
    $3,000 reward offered
    Eyewitness News

    Elwaleed Mohamed
    (New York-WABC, November 20, 2007) - A taxi driver was run down after getting out his cab to settle a road rage dispute with another driver on the Upper East Side Thursday morning. And following the tragedy, the two occupants of the striking car, a 2005 Nissan Altima, leaped out and fled on foot.

    Authorities say 44-year-old Elwaleed Mohamed pulled over at the intersection of East 65th Street and Madison Avenue to settle the dispute just after 12:25 a.m.

    But instead of getting out himself, the driver of the Altima ran Mohamed down.

    The male driver and female passenger of the Altima then allegedly ditched the car at the scene and fled on foot.

    Mohamed, a loving husband and the father of two young boys, was pinned under his cab. Police had to use a hydraulic lift to remove him.

    "He was completely under the car," witness Tony Benevento said. "He didn't move at all."

    The taxi driver was pronounced dead at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

    Authorities say the two occupants of the Altima ran north on Madison Avenue and then west on East 66th Street.

    "I turned around and a guy and girl are running up the block," Benevento said.

    As family and friends consoled Mohamed's wife inside her Brooklyn home, police tracked the car's owner to a high-rise apartment building in Harlem. There, Marvin Loyola said his cousin was the last person to drive the vehicle.

    Loyola told Eyewitness News that he hasn't seen his cousin and knows nothing of the incident.

    Meanwhile, the NYSFTD is offering a $3,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.

    "Taxi drivers are the first faces millions of tourists see when visiting New York," said Fernando Mateo, spokesperson for the NYSFTD. "As representatives or ambassadors of the city, they need to be protected and cared for. They are hard working; they work under pressure, on holidays, and serve this city unconditionally on a regular basis. As ambassadors, they do not deserve to die the way this driver did this morning, in the line of duty."

Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 04:56 AM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)


Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 06:13 AM
Mekki M Alhassan
<aMekki M Alhassan
Registered: 05-30-2007
Total Posts: 814

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    My condolences to his family and freinds
    God bless him.

    (Edited by Mekki M Alhassan on 11-21-2007, 06:49 AM)


Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 07:12 AM
Al-Sadig Yahya Abdall
<aAl-Sadig Yahya Abdall
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 485

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: Mekki M Alhassan)

    Quote: My condolences to his family and freinds
    God bless him.

Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 07:35 AM
Registered: 05-13-2003
Total Posts: 4742

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: Al-Sadig Yahya Abdall)

    للفقيد الرحمة ولآله واصدقائه ومعارفه الصير وحسن العزاء وانا لله وانا اليه راجعون.

Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 04:26 PM
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 39983

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: قلقو)

    November 21, 2007
    Police Search for Hit-and-Run Driver Who Killed Cabbie

    The police are still looking for the driver who drove a Nissan Altima into 44-year-old taxi driver Mohamed Elwaleed yesterday. Elwaleed was pinned under the car and died, and the driver and his female passenger fled the intersection at Madison Avenue and East 65th Street on the Upper East Side.

    A witness who was walking his dog at the time told the Post that the cab and Nissan got into an accident near Central Park, "They cut each other off, then they back out of the park and started chasing each other." More from the Post:

    El Waleed stopped his car perpendicular to traffic and left the cab waving his hands, trying to get the other driver to halt and exchange insurance information, cops said.

    But the other driver panicked because he didn't have the proper paperwork, police sources said.

    The nervous Nissan driver repeatedly tried to get around the cab and flee, but each time he swerved his vehicle to escape, El Waleed jumped in front of it, sources said.

    The Nissan wound up running over the cabby, pinning him under the car.

    The couple ran from the Nissan, but the police were able to catch the woman. And they traced the car to Marvin Loyola, who lives in Harlem; Loyola said that his cousin was the last person driving the car and he didn't know where he was. Another interesting twist: The woman in the Nissan was the driver's girlfriend, but the Post also reported "the driver had gone home to his wife and then fled." And the cops believe he left the city via the Port Authority.

    Now the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers is offering a $3,000 reward for information leading about the driver. Elwaleed, a Sudanese immigrant, leaves behind a wife, a 7-year-old son and an 18-month old son. Seven-year-old son Khalid told the Daily News his father was supposed to come to his school's Thanksgiving celebration today and wife Mayada said, "I love him, I miss him, I can't believe this happened!"

Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 04:28 PM
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 39983

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: Kostawi)

    Mohamed El Waleed

Arabic Forum

11-21-2007, 04:52 PM
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 39983

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: Kostawi)

    Cabbie Mohammed Elwaleed was killed in midtown Manhattan early Tuesday when he climbed out of his taxi to argue with another motorist - who then mowed him down, cops said

    Khalid Elwaleed, 7, talks Tuesday about how he loved his father, slain cabbie Mohammed Elwaleed, at his home in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn.

    NYPD detective gathers evidence at the scene of the hit-and-run accident that killed cabbie Tuesday morning.


Arabic Forum

11-24-2007, 05:00 AM
Elmoiz Abunura
<aElmoiz Abunura
Registered: 04-30-2005
Total Posts: 6009

Re: Cabbie mowed down in road rage dispute & $3,000 reward offered (Re: Kostawi)

    My sincere condolences to Shibreen Family in Sudan. May Allah bless Elwaleed's soul

Arabic Forum

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