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7 million is not a good price for 300,000 victims

05-13-2005, 02:46 PM

Registered: 11-29-2004
Total Posts: 2064

7 million is not a good price for 300,000 victims

    I become very annoyed when it come to my awareness that colonel Al Gazafi had reached to an agreement with some Darfurian groups, according to it he will pay only 7 millions Dollar as compensation for all the victims killed in those atrocities . Some people might give up hope and they think this agreement will settle all the issue with the central government in Khartoum .if some darfurain groups decided to sell Darfur cause in an opened auction they should sell it at fair price equivalent to price Colonel Al Gazafi had already paid to the American ( 4 Billion s Us Dollar for 223 Victim s)

    If we use mathematical calculation to reach to the outcome how much the individual will get from those 7 million, we will find it only 2,333 us dollar against every victim killed (7million/300,0000 victims). It is shameful to estimate Darfurain lives in this way. This amount is not sufficient even to build a destroyed house why we accept it as a compensation for a human life.
    If we accept these principles to get money for every person get killed, Al Bashir regime will use all the government resources to commit more atrocities in Darfur .
    I congratulate those group who accept this deal, they should know this a mount is so a few even cover the accommodation and traveling expenses they incurred in Libya
    Now Musa hilal is getting out from his cage and he is seeking publicity .He tried to play a role of social reformer .The government media (Sudan TV) presenting him as a key person who can restore peace and security in this region. Also he showed us an other deal. Any raped woman in Darfur now has the chance to marry one of Hilal's followers. I think the government and its militia understating the Darfurain people when they pass a deal like this, marriage as a social relation cannot be used as a crime cover
    Now government wasting the time on offering deals which can not be accepted at this time . Musa Hilal was good in killing but not good in keeping peace. He should use his money to pay the expensive fees for lowers who will advocate for him in ICC. Honor and lives of darfurian are not for sale
    It is a public demand now to trail all those criminals at ICC. This demand is become more clear when we hear UK students vow after their victory in election (hi Hi to Lahai)

    sara Issa
    [email protected]

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