04-08-2005, 09:04 PM |
Registered: 04-19-2001
Total Posts: 185
The government deeply resents it
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'The government deeply resents it'
Slowly, the UN is acting to halt the genocide in Sudan
Thursday April 7, 2005 The Guardian
Seattle Post-Intelligencer Editorial, April 5
"After prolonged discussions ... the [UN] security council voted 11-0 [last Thursday] to refer allegations of crimes against humanity in Darfur to the international criminal court (ICC). That's a critical step toward holding government-supported militias and officials responsible for killing thousands and driving up to 2 million people from their homes ...
"Stopping genocide has proved much harder than might have been imagined in the years after the Nazi Holocaust ... But the world seems to be drawing a clearer line in the Sudanese sand than in Rwanda, Bosnia and elsewhere."
Article continues
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Irish Times Editorial, April 4
"According to the resolutions adopted, 51 named individuals are to be referred to the ICC. A 10,000-strong peacekeeping force will be appointed to oversee an overall peace agreement in Sudan ...
"The most positive change registered by these agreements has been in the attitudes of major powers ... The US abstained on the resolution referring individuals to the ICC after it obtained exemptions for its citizens. This represents a substantial change of policy, following the Bush administration's systematic opposition to the court. It is an unsatisfactory state of affairs ... but should not disguise the welcome shift involved."
Ayesha Kajee Business Day, South Africa, April 6
"Abstention from the French-sponsored resolution is a face-saving measure for the Americans, who were in the uncomfortable position of either modifying their antagonism to the court or vetoing the resolution to prosecute perpetrators of crimes that Washington itself has repeatedly designated as 'genocide'."
Arab News Editorial, Saudi Arabia, April 6
"It comes as no surprise that the Sudanese government ... deeply resents the intrusion of the UN into their affairs ... The country has already been forced ... into a peace agreement with southern rebels ... which is likely to result in the south gaining independence in six years' time ... Accordingly, people and government have set their faces firmly against cooperation with the ICC. The view is that if anyone should be put on trial, it should happen in a Sudanese court ...
"In normal circumstances, it would be impossible not to sympathise with the government in Khartoum. But these are not normal circumstances ... Events are clearly beyond [the government's] control; the international community has a duty to intervene."
Daily Star Editorial, Lebanon, April 5
"It is not the international community that is posing the greatest threat to Sudan, but rather, the Sudanese government's own obstinacy. At such a crucial point in Sudan's development, the government cannot afford to disregard international consensus and thereby jeopardise its budding economy by subjecting itself to the threat of tougher sanctions ... It is also in Sudan's interests to do what is best for its citizenry by demonstrating a commitment to justice and the rule of law ... Surely an international role in chaperoning justice is not an infringement on Sudan's sovereignty, but rather, a contribution to its development."
Jacques Almaric Libération, France, April 4
"There is no certainty that these [UN] measures will see an end to the massacres. The regime in Khartoum ... still offers military protection and air support for the Janjaweed militia. The solution, if there is a solution, is more likely to be found by reinforcing the African Union's peacekeeping force ... They have been charged with supervising what is supposed to be a ceasefire ... But there are not enough of them, they lack the means to supervise a region the size of France and they cannot persuade those in charge of the pogroms to stop burning thousands of Darfur's villages."
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(Edited by بكرى ابوبكر on 10-13-2009, 10:46 AM)