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A Call For Reform and Renaissance (Openness, Dialogue and Partners

02-13-2013, 09:53 PM
أبو عبيدة البصاص
<aأبو عبيدة البصاص
Registered: 09-29-2006
Total Posts: 4127

A Call For Reform and Renaissance (Openness, Dialogue and Partners

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

    we do seek His Help, and May His Peace and Prayers Be upon Our Prophet Mohamed the Best of Mankind

    ... Allah (SWT) Says: (I wish not, in opposition to you, to do that which I forbid you to do. I only desire (your) betterment to the best of my power; and my success (in my task) can only come from Allah. In Him I trust, and unto Him I look.) {Hud/88}

    A Call For Reform and Renaissance

    (Openness, Dialogue and Partnership)

    Dear sisters and brothers at the homeland,
    Recognizing the various achievements on the national level by the successive regimes since the dawn of independence till today, which are deemed as unmistakable achievements; they are –though- inadequate in regards to the country’s human and natural resources. This –thus- clearly demonstrates the shortcomings and failures which necessitate a reformatory vision based on fostering the pillars of thought and the culture of dialogue and communication, as well as advice and self-criticism in order to insure the rectification of the course of the homeland and building national coherence values. These are the overall impulses that necessitate the adoption of an urgent public, comprehensive and deep coherent reform project targeting the reform of the country’s current conditions as a whole, according to an integrated vision.
    Such a reform ought not to be something partial, in the sense that it targets only maintaining the status quo with a slight or minor modification of the aggravating conditions that threaten the nation’s coherence, unity, future, cultural and social fabric, moral and ideological structure and identity, in addition to economic wealth and natural resources.
    Thus, came to the surface ideological weakness and deterioration of educational and family conditions, in addition to the threats facing cultural identity and social fabric along with the spread of crime, financial values, selfishness, tribalism and racism without any consideration to national belonging. Besides, increasing percentages of poverty, unemployment, migration and displacement; a situation makes of Sudan –the previously so-aliased as the World’s Food Basket- an importer of basic food elements. Thus, bad economic policies, weak development and absence of social justice have been present along the various successive national governments with an aggravating recent status.
    Politics demonstrates the problematic relation between the state and the society in the absence of peaceful transformation of power and comprehensive social dialogue, a matter that introduced the culture of war, hatred and alienation among the different ideological elites and political trends. Furthermore, the challenges facing the Sudan’s foreign relations on the African, Arab and Islamic levels have increased, producing the globalization of the Sudan’s issues, leading the whole country towards fragmentation, loss of more parts and absence of national public charter.
    Although all post-independence national elites and regimes are held responsible -on various degrees- of deepening the aforementioned problems, yet these challenges present themselves in a way stronger than ever previously being presented. Therefore, the “Mujahideen”, being one of the components of the live national conscience- are endeavoring to administrate Rightness due to the publicity of the “Jihad” notion in Islam. Therefore, and along the past few months, an honorable group of Mujahideen, Islamists and elite Sudanese non-partisan individuals have been negotiating and debating the agonies and aspirations of the country, urged by the national sense and seeking the Divine reward; as they would like to place their country among the developing nations, beseeching through inclusive meetings, dialogues, ideological forums, thoughtful interviews and specialized writing, besides, open media conversations on newspapers and social communication websites the users of which exceeded five thousands. Discussion points focused on the necessity to release a reformatory “call” for a domestic national project for reform and renaissance. Namely, serious reformatory work has to start whatever dense challenges are. Thus, the call remains open for all.
    We hope that this call would contribute in the coming stages in establishing an integrated societal partnership with a public and comprehensive vision for solving the country’s problems and crises. This call comes as a strategic vision expressing initial features that are capable of continuous development and improvement. The significance of such a call is that it represents a will of building an urgent, deep, comprehensive and public national reformatory project that gets developed in partnership between the callers of reform and renaissance in the coming days. Therefore, it is not regarded as a mere address at the end of the God-Blessed initiative; yet, it is an inseparable part of its chain of continuity which we wish to include all the problems of the country and issues of the citizen.
    At the beginning, the focus was presenting an explanation to the general “common areas” between the initiators which as a whole express the soul of their initiative, its aims and dimensions; an initiative which is based upon renewing thought and improving methods of thinking. On the political matter, the priority to provide a constitution agreed-upon by common consent ought to be considered to define the nature of the government in order for the country to get rid of diseases such as: domination, alienation, favoritism, racism and allying with the enemies of the homeland. On the cultural level, the call adopts the comprehensive cultural identity of the Sudanese people, an identity of rich idea and vision that adopts the method of cultural dialogue and acceptance of the other part. As regards society, the priority of establishing the comprehensive social charter is a must in order to foster societal relations by means of communication, moral values, conventions and righteous behavior, and that society to be established on balanced and equal opportunities and roles among its all components. On the level of economy, priority stands at establishing economic development policies in agricultural, pastoral, industrial, transport and mining sectors and other areas of economic activity; in parallel with the idea of social justice in terms of equal redistribution of the produced wealth, provision of good living, education, health and the whole public services. As regards national security, the priority is represented in the peaceful resolution of national security threats by means of solving the problems in Darfur, Southern Kordufan and Blue Nile, as well as healing national ulcers and enhancing cultural, social and economic solutions. Regarding judiciary, the priority is represented in maintaining penal justice, judicial independence and administration of law. As regards the Islamic Movement, initiators believe in the necessity to reform the movement of Islam in Sudan to maintain unity since they are –rather than others- much concerned by the necessity of reviewing their governance experience in Sudan, as well as disregarding the faults and failures of their political project during the Salvation Revolution (Ingaz) regime.
    This call emphasizes a number of assumptions:
    First: our commitment to support our Armed Forces in protecting the country against its enemies, and in this respect the “Mujahidoon” have sincerely devoted their efforts participating, not to mention all, in “Alahwal” regiment up to “Khalid Ibn Elwaleed” regiment. We are proud of the groups of Mujahideen who sacrificed their souls for the sake of the homeland. We do affirm our commitment to maintain the unity of the Mujahideen whatever different the political trends of their brothers in the Islamic Movement’s leadership are.
    Second: the Mujahidoon sincerely call the honorable people of this homeland with their different categories, communities and tribes, as well as various religious, political and national trends, they call them all for negotiation with all the ideological, social, economic and political trends in the Sudan, for the sake of establishing a public national conciliation project.
    Therefore, we would like to pass this call for all the honorable people of the country with the variety of their ideological spectra and cultural backgrounds.. whether living inside the country or in the Diaspora; with their different tribes, sects, ideological, political, cultural and religious trends; with their different national institutions, parties and Sophist doctrines, civil societies, media, sports and those belonging to various sectors whether they are farmers, pastorals, apprentice men, professionals, youth, students and women; replete with openness, positive visions, dialogue, argument and call for participation in formulating viewpoints and seeking to come up with solutions and building the policies and features of the reformatory project. This initiative, finally, aims at contributing in providing the public Sudanese life with an integrated reformatory vision for the most significant areas and life aspects, due to their significant impact on the future of our country.

    May Allah (SWT) Bestow us with True Guidance and Take us to the Right Path.

    (Edited by أبو عبيدة البصاص on 02-13-2013, 09:54 PM)
    (Edited by أبو عبيدة البصاص on 02-13-2013, 09:55 PM)


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