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a memorandum from Sudanese activist in Belgium to EU Sudan disk

01-01-2017, 03:19 AM
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a memorandum from Sudanese activist in Belgium to EU Sudan disk

    03:19 AM January, 01 2017

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    Desk officer Sudan
    European External Action Service
    Horn of Africa, East Africa and Indian Ocean (EEAS.II.A.1)
    Postal address: RP-9A 04/040, 1046 Brussels
    Dear Katerina Fatsea,
    A successful three-day campaign of civil disobedience took place in Sudan between 27th up to 29th of November 2016 with the vision to continue in this path of peaceful disobedience till the current regime fall down. Another successful civil disobedience day on the 19th of December 2016 took place in Khartoum as well as other cities e.g Medani, Kassala, Al Fashir, Nyala. The current campaign has been triggered by the recent government policy of lifting the subsidies for fuels and medicines causing dramatic prices hikes that Sudanese people can not pay for their basic needs of food, medicine, transportation ...etc. However, the broad demand of the Sudanese people is to get rid of the current government rather than an exclusively economic crisis' protest.

    The previous few months witnessed many peaceful struggle actions against the government of Sudan, for example: protests of secondary school and universities students, doctors strike calling for improved working conditions, the pharmacists protested the decision to remove a subsidy for imported medicines, disobedience committees and other activists have been actively pursuing a non-violent campaign (mobilizing people in the mosques and other public place to go for a strike, giving speeches on buses and at public markets) ...etc. In short, there is broad national mobilization going on established by massive youth activists with many different affiliations e.g political, ethnic, professional, students groups, rights groups, civil society, civil strike committees, teachers committees ...etc. with a widespread active participation of the Sudanese society. Adding to that, Sudanese Diaspora's all over the world have organized many protest actions declaring their full solidarity with Sudanese inside the country. Utilizing technology has played an effective positive role to coordinate, plan, communicate and pass the messages widely to gain more support internally and internationally for the current civil disobedience against Sudan regime.
    On the other hand, tens of activists affiliated to non-political bodies as well as politically affiliated people have been arbitrarily arrested, tortured, and threatened by the regime since the announcement of the civil disobedience and still going on. Sudanese people has been struggling against the current regime throughout the last 27 years and are always confronted with repression, killing, arbitrary detention, torture and all sort of mistreatment and humiliations.
    There are so many reasons why Sudanese people are going on the current civil disobedience against the government: breaking down the national unity, violations of human rights, breach of trust, disintegration of the Sudanese Armed Forces, violations of international human rights laws, torture crimes, destruction of the Sudanese civil services, devaluation of Sudanese national currency, restrain of trade, mismanagement of the Sudanese banking system, manipulation of the economy, impoverishment of the Sudanese people, destruction of health care and education systems, defaming the Sudanese image internationally, mismanagement and destruction of the Sudanese public property, misleading of the Sudanese public opinion, falsification of the Islamic religion in Sudan, creation international unnecessary hostilities, absence of recognized laws; partiality and segregation crimes, falsification crimes. Shortly, the current regime has led to the destruction and degradation of the Sudanese nation.
    Sudanese people do believe that it is our own responsibility to get rid of the current regime and restore a system based on good governance, democracy, rule of law, separation of powers, and a constitution above all. However, we do believe that Sudanese people need to be supported by the regional and international actors to allow them bring peace and development to their country.
    We, Sudanese Diaspora in Belgium, kindly send our messages to the EU members regarding the current situation in Sudan:
    Firstly: we are gravely concerned about the security of tens of activist who have been detained in relation to their participation in the current mobilization for civil disobedience. We strongly urge the EU to put pressure on the government of Sudan to release all detainees immediately and unconditionally. Furthermore, we would like to make sure that the detainees' physical safety in detention is guaranteed as there is a case of a released activist who have been deeply tortured. The protection of Sudanese activists is a basic right stipulated in the international human rights law as well as Sudan national constitution.
    Secondly:we value the joint statement on political detentions and newspapers censorship issued by the EU and the Troika on the seventh of December 2016. However, expressing the concerns only is absolutely and increasingly proved to be not enough tool to deal with a regime using the most violent means of suppression against its civilians deliberately. Firm measures and more pressure need to be put on Al Bashir regime, to end the impunity and to hand over Al Bashir to the ICC.
    Thirdly: Sudanese people are strongly united and determined to continue the civil disobedience as an effective and peaceful means till the regime fall down. Therefore, we would kindly request the EU, the international organizations and the international community as whole to monitor more closely the situation and take proactive measures on the protection of activists as our analysis says more detention and torture will continue by the regime.
    Fouthly: we have a big concern regarding the partnership between Sudan government and the EU members states on migration management aiming to address the root causes of irregular migration and displaced people in Africa. Having a deal with Al Bashir is not only undermining the role of the EU as a safeguard for the values of human rights internationally but also will perpetuate more conflicts, abuses, and displacement in Sudan. Moreover, having a corrupt partner who is inducted by the ICC is quite ineffective policy simply because the regime of Sudan is the cause of conflicts and displacement in Sudan. The Sudanese civilians in war zones, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Darfur, have been exposed to frequent displacement, restricted and blocked humanitarian access, violence against civilians exercised by Sudan armed forces and the regime' militias. Therefore, we are raising hope too high that the EU member states are capable to take a wise decision to uphold the human rights values and remains a good example globally and support Sudanese people in their battle to regain democracy, sustainable peace and development.
    Best Regards,
    Yours Sincerely,
    The Sudanese Diaspora in Belgium
    Please find attached a list of Sudanese detainees

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