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News and Press ReleasesWashington is willing to address the economic sanctions’ impact on Sudan: U.S. diplomat
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Washington is willing to address the economic sanctions’ impact on Sudan: U.S. diplomat

11-03-2014, 04:04 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Washington is willing to address the economic sanctions’ impact on Sudan: U.S. diplomat

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-US Embassy charge d'affaires in Khartoum Jerry Lanier has stressed that Washington is ready to deal with the impact of the economic sanctions on Sudanese citizen, stressing that Washington had decided to deal with Khartoum and granting of exceptions to the embargo in the fields of agriculture, health and education.
    During his meeting with Sudan’s Parliament's Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday, Lanier confirmed that Sudan can restore it place with the United States, pointing out that Washington better relations now with countries were classified as enemies through dialogue.
    For his part, the head of Sudan’s Parliament's Foreign Relations Committee Mohammed Yousif Abdullah told reporters that the meeting agree to involve representatives of all Sudanese people in the dialogue between Washington and Khartoum, adding that US diplomat stressed the need for a working relationship between Sudanese Parliament and U.S Congress, pointing out that the next January will be appropriate time because Congress will be reshaped.
    Washington imposed economic and trade sanctions on Sudan in 1997 in response to its alleged connection to terror networks and human rights abuses. In 2007 it strengthened the embargo, citing abuses in Darfur which it labeled as genocide.
    In 2010 however, the US announced it was easing sanctions on agriculture equipment and services which allowed half a dozen companies to obtain export licenses.
    Sudan is also on the US list of states that sponsor terrorism since 1993 even though the two countries have strengthened their counterterrorism cooperation since September 2001 attacks on Washington and New York.

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