05-29-2015, 10:30 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
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UN extends the mandate of the UNIMIS in South Sudan through the end of November
11:30 PM May, 30 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
The UN Security Council extended on Thursday the mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan through the end of November. The extension comes as the oil-rich east African country struggles with a new wave of violence between fighters loyal to President Salva Kiir and former vice president Riek Machar. The UN says it is the worst it has seen in several months. It further authorized the peace keepers to use “all necessary means” to perform their duties and tasks in implementation of the mandate. The resolution reaffirmed UNMISS mandate to protect civilians in South Sudan, monitor and investigate human rights abuses, create the conditions conducive to the delivery of humanitarian assistance as well as support the implementation of the cessation of hostilities agreement signed by the warring parties in the country. It said that the situation in South Sudan continued to “constitute a threat” to international peace and security in the region and urged all parties to the conflict to resume negotiations and reach a peace agreement. “Urges all parties to engage in an open and fully inclusive national dialogue seeking to establish lasting peace, reconciliation, good governance, including through the full and effective participation of youth, women, diverse communities, faith-based groups, civil society and the formerly detained SPLM leaders, encourages the efforts of IGAD and the United Nations to reach a peace agreement between the parties, and further urges them to ensure that child protection provisions are integrated into all peace negotiations and peace agreements,” partly reads the resolution. Multiple peace deals have fallen apart. The Security Council for several months has threatened sanctions against those standing in the way of peace and even created a sanctions committee this year, but no one has been sanctioned so far.
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