UN RC/HC speech for the local launch of the 2016 HRP
06:00 PM July, 12 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL Dr Naeema Al Gasseer UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator a. i. UN RC/HC speech for the local launch of the 2016 HRP كلمة ممثل الامم المتحدة المقيم ومنسق الشؤون الإنسانية بالانابة د. نعيمة القصير في حفل تدشين خطة الاستجابة الإنسانية لعام 2016
Launch of the Humanitarian Response Plan, 12 July 2016
Excellency Commissioner General and Distinguished members of the Government, Excellencies of the diplomatic corps, Heads of UN agencies and partner organisations, Distinguished members of the media, Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to welcome you to the launch of the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan for Sudan. I also would like to thank the Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission, and the Commissioner General in particular, for co-hosting this launch. We are here today to launch a Plan that outlines humanitarian programmes for Sudan in 2016. The Plan reflects the common understanding between the government of Sudan and the aid community about the scale and scope of needs and what assistance is required. The international humanitarian community indeed came to Sudan to help the government and the people of Sudan deal with humanitarian needs and this Plan is a clear and positive demonstration of our strong and continued partnership. International donors are also an important stakeholder in our work. Last year, over $650 million of taxpayer money was given by citizens, through their governments, for Sudan. I would like to acknowledge and highlight the generosity of our partners and trust the diplomatic community represented here today will pass on not only our deepest thanks but also explain how much their support has meant. Their support has for example allowed us to reach 3.3 million people across Sudan with assistance, including 1.8 million IDPs in Darfur and tens of thousands of South Sudanese fleeing conflict. Moreover, and due to our continuous collaboration with international and national partners, 1.6 million IDPs and host communities were given access to clean drinking water in Darfur and half a million of these people also benefitted from improved latrines and waste management facilities. Nearly 1 million children were assisted through school feeding programmes, 8.6 million children were vaccinated against measles in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health. Hundreds of thousands of refugees and asylum seekers were also assisted in addition to the support provided by the government of Sudan. There is more information and examples of what was accomplished in 2015 in the handout you received. So what is the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan about؟ To a large extent, it is similar to the programmes of 2015 but there are also significant changes. First, the 2016 Plan tries to focus assistance on the most vulnerable people only. This means that compared to last year the Plan targets 4.6 million people, down from 5.4 million in 2015. This does not mean that needs have decreased but we have made a concerted and joint effort to target aid to the most vulnerable first. Another important feature of this Plan is that we are trying to provide humanitarian assistance in an even better, more sustainable way, and reduce vulnerabilities. In parallel, the humanitarian community remains committed to give priority in its assistance to vulnerable people especially those affected by crises, be it conflict or natural disasters. For IDP’s, the aim of our work has been and will continue to be to provide decent living conditions for until they voluntarily return to their homes. A third important feature of this Plan is that it recognizes the diversity of humanitarian needs, and thus the diversity of root causes and that they have to be responded to in different ways. Sudan indeed faces internal displacement, malnutrition, food insecurity and public health threats. In terms of Internal displacement, the humanitarian community cannot address the root causes but will help people while durable solutions are worked on. There is a clear continuous refugee movements into Sudan. I want to acknowledge and commend the Government of Sudan’s continuous generosity and support to refugees and asylum seekers. South Sudanese are the largest group who continue to cross into Sudan seeking protection and assistance. We often talk about the millions of dollars given by the international community to help refugees but I also want to stress we do acknowledge the enormous amounts and resources spent by the government and host communities to welcome them, be it by making land available or sharing public services such as health services and education, often stretching already limited resources. Food insecurity and health insecurity in Sudan is exacerbated by adverse climatic phenomena such as El Niño. Together with the Government, especially the Ministry of Agriculture and the ministry of livestock, we are trying to either mitigate the impact or address food insecurity for 4.6 million people across the country. Many of them are displaced people or refugees but there are also many vulnerable farmers and pastoralists. Again, the humanitarian community cannot provide solutions to the root causes of food insecurity but we can help communities temporarily shoulder the impact and we will continue to help the government do so. Acute malnutrition among children under the age of five is above emergency thresholds in several areas across the country, including areas where there is no conflict. About 2 million children suffer from wasting annually, of whom over 555,000 are severely malnourished. Undernutrition is the result of multiple underlying structural causes: food security, health, water and sanitation, as well as a lack of a protective and enabling environment and deeply affects their development and future health. The government of Sudan has joined the global Scaling Up Nutrition movement and we want to spare no effort to support the government and ending malnutrition among children. To enable our support to the government and the people of Sudan we need not only resources but also national collaboration that enables access namely the government of Sudan. The 80 UN and NGO partners in this Plan seek to address humanitarian needs across Sudan, including in hard-to-reach areas of the Darfur states, and South Kordofan and Blue Nile under the guidance of and commitment to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality. Therefore, we call on the government to do its utmost to facilitate the delivery of urgent humanitarian aid. We also call on armed movements to ensure unconditional access to the areas under their control. Our collective aim is to protect lives and enhance peace. To the donors and the citizens of their countries we continue to appeal for their generosity. This Plan is an appeal for US$952 million to address the humanitarian needs of up to 4.6 million people: $581 million for IDPs; $225 million for refugees; and $146 million for vulnerable residents. You can find more details in the handouts available. This Plan is realistic and can be fully implemented. There is no doubt that a strong and effective partnerships between national and international aid organizations and continued support of the government can make a huge difference in the daily life of millions of people. Finally, let me also stress that in 2016 and beyond the humanitarian community is looking forward to see a boost in development aid to Sudan so as to address the root causes of humanitarian vulnerabilities, and not just the symptoms. League of Arab States/ Qatar and other development donors have been supporting critically important development initiatives in such areas as social public services, health infrastructures, livelihoods, land reform, and we hope more aid will continue to be provided to Sudan. This is in line with one of the key calls and outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit that took place in May 2016 in Istanbul – ending needs so that people who are vulnerable and in need of assistance today can become more self-reliant in the near future. As UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. my call to all, as operational partners, as government, as UN agencies and peacekeeping missions (UNAMID), as donors, as members of the press and civil society, is to continue the outstanding work of the last years. In our own ways, we all have a role to play to alleviate suffering while long-term solutions are found in order to uplift humanity and development. Let us continue. Millions of people in Sudan are looking at us to do our best to support and protect them in an efficient and sustainable manner. Let us work together hand in hand to ensure the continuity of our efforts and achievements to facilitate the humanitarian aid operation to all areas, and to help provide an environment in which peace can take root and to contribute to creating a secure environment for economic reconstruction and development environment. I would like to thank the government for the continued partnership, and we look forward to a productive, transparent and engaged relationship in the time to follow. Thank you
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 12 يوليو 2016
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