06-29-2016, 08:07 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
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UK Referendum results – European Commission President Juncker's speech to the European Parliament o
08:07 PM June, 29 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL President Juncker addressed an extraordinary session of the European Parliament on the consequences of the UK referendum. He expressed his sadness at the result of the vote but said that it should be respected – as this is democracy. He called on the British Government to clarify the situation as rapidly as possible since a period of prolonged uncertainty would serve no one's interests: "The British people expressed their will by universal suffrage, and it is clear that the expression of the British majority demands to be respected by all. Democracy is democracy." Europe is not only an affair of the mind. Yes, one must remain rational. But when one is sad, one should have the right to say so. And I am sad after this British vote, and I do not hide it. This is not sentimentalism. It is my deep conviction. I would have liked the UK to stay always by our side and with us. It decided otherwise. Need for swift clarification by the United Kingdom One has to respect the British choice. There was an expression; there must be consequences. And I thus ask for clarification, not immediately, as the British system is more complicated than we think. I ask the UK government - Prime Minister Cameron stays a friend, because the British remain our friends in spite of the vote – to clarify the situation as soon as possible. We cannot remain in a prolonged situation of uncertainty. Without notification, no negotiation I do not want the idea to arise that there will be secret negotiations. I forbid – by Presidential order – that Commissioners and Directors-General discuss with their British counter-parts in secret corridors. No notification, no negotiations. Role of other Member States We have lost, by the expression of British universal suffrage, one of our numerous wings. There are the wings of our founding Member States, who do not have any more rights than the others, since even though they launched the project, they do not carry it alone. The others, those that we call the "new Member States", are here in their own right, and I salute our unification, the reconciliation between European geography and history. Our flight towards the future continues. Future course of action / priorities Europe remains a peace project, and to the young people, the majority of whom have voted for the UK to remain in the EU, I want to say the following: the hour of fragmentation of the continent has not come. One cannot explain Europe only retrospectively – Europe's future belongs to its youth. The European dream continues. We need to progress towards common goals with renewed ambition. We will continue to fight against what the British and others call 'red tape'. We will keep fighting to return 'social Europe' to its rightful place. The Stability and Growth Pact will continue to be applied with wisdom and heart. We will continue the modernisation of Europe through the Digital Single Market and the implementation of the Energy Union. In a Statement by Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström on EU Trade Policy, the European Union has an ambitious trade agenda and remains engaged in pursuing and concluding the different negotiating processes in which it is involved, at bilateral and multilateral level with countries in the Americas, Africa and Asia. Background
Joint Declaration of the Four Presidents on the UK: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-16-2329_en.htmhttp://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-16-2329_en.htm
Questions and Answers on the UK referendum: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-2328_en.htmhttp://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-2328_en.htm
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