12-05-2015, 07:16 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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UK Government supports urban refugees in Sudan
07:16 PM Dec, 05 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, 5 December 2015The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) welcomes a contribution of GBP 236,640 from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to support the assistance it provides to unaccompanied or separated refugee children, as well as expand its livelihoods activities in Khartoum, as part of wider efforts to address the growing challenge of refugee and migratory flows in the region.“An increasing number of young refugees are leaving or transiting through Sudan, with the intention to reach Europe”, Mr. Mohammed Adar, UNHCR Representative in Sudan, says. “They undertake extremely perilous journeys, resorting to smuggling networks, which puts them at risk of trafficking. The number of minors traveling alone is a great source of concern to us. These young refugees are extremely vulnerable and need specific attention. We are extremely grateful to the UK Government for its support, which will help us provide assistance to unaccompanied children. It will also allow us to further expand our livelihoods programme in Khartoum, which remains on a small scale. Developing refugees’ skillset is critical to offer them better opportunities and alternatives to secondary movements, including to Europe”.Mr James Sharp, Director for Migration at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, said, during a visit to Khartoum this week: “The United Kingdom is pleased to be supporting this important work to help refugee communities in Khartoum, sheltering them from the risk of taking a perilous onward journey that could lead to trafficking, kidnap or death at sea. It comes as part of our wider efforts to develop a comprehensive response to tackling migration challenges in Europe and the Horn of Africa, which we are undertaking in our current Chairmanship of the EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative “Khartoum Process”. The UK has a proud tradition of assisting and protecting the world’s most vulnerable. This year the UK is contributing £47 million for humanitarian anddevelopment assistance to Sudan to help Sudanese people, as well as refugees.”UNHCR in Sudan works with the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), and other national institutions to protect and assist 375,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, as well internally displaced people in Khartoum, the East, South and West Kordofan, White Nile and Darfur.EndContactNicolas Brass, UNHCR Sudan, Mobile +249 912 179 443, [email protected] أحدث المقالات- عشرون عاماَ على إبرام برتكول دايتون للسلام في البوسنة و الهرسك .. هل ما زالت تبعات النِّزاع وآثار ال
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