09-12-2017, 00:08 AM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Trade Minister: Gum Arabic Manufacturing Way to Increase Exports, Reform of Trade Balance
11:08 PM September, 12 2017 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL 
Khartoum, Sept. 11 (SUNA) The Trade Minister, Hatim Al-Si'ir, noted that the manufacturing of gum Arabic is the way to increase the added value, and then increase the revenue of the exports and the reform of the trade balance. During his address to the workshop of the gum Arabic production, prospects of industry and marketing, organized by the council's committees of the industry, trade and investment, and agriculture, irrigation, animal resources and forests, in collaboration with the general qualitative cooperative union of the producers of natural gum, the minister has stressed the National Accord Government concern to achieve a leap in the production of gum Arabic, indicating the government readiness to surpass obstacles and challenges facing the increase of gum Arabic production. He pointed to the government efforts for combating the Mafia of gum Arabic smuggling, stressing the state's capability to have control over the smuggling. He called on participants at the workshop to come out with recommendations that would enable the state to manage the gum Arabic sector, organize the producers and aggrandize role of trade. ta