01-29-2016, 05:39 AM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army inaugurate its campaign of Stop Genocide and Rape in Darfur
04:39 AM Jan, 29 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL

The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army chaired by Abdul Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Al-Nour is inaugurating its campaign of “Stop Genocide and Rape in Darfur“, and therefore is calling upon its all members and Supporters, Youth and Student groups, Women Sector, IDPs and Refugees, Civil society organizations, workers and professionals, political parties of Sudan; and generally the entire Sudanese masses to come out in big numbers and demonstrate in order to pressurize Khartoum regime to put an end to its ongoing genocide not only in Darfur ,but also in the Nuba Mountain and The Blue Nile as Well. We solemnly call upon every Sudanese son and daughter to answer the call of this Campaign in order to stop the unabated genocide in Darfur and the unfathomable human rights violations against innocent civilians in El-Geinena, Port Sudan, Kajabar and Khartoum. The scorched- earth policy and mass rapes of Khartoum currently taking place in Jebel Marra to change the ethnic composition of the indigenous population, and its organized crimes in all corners of Sudan, should be resisted and fought tooth and nail until toppling of the murderous, genocide regime of Khartoum. Stopping Genocides and mass rapes of Sudan and finding sustainable and lasting solution to Sudan’s problems goes through changing the extremist regime of Khartoum and establish a secular, liberal, democratic and united Sudan with equal citizenship rights which respect our blessed pluralism and diversity and that, all Sudanese would adhere with pride.
The Media and the Political Committee of the Campaign 28/01/2016
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