09-02-2013, 04:41 PM |
Yasir Arman
The SPLM-N Declared a One Month Unilateral Cessation of Hostilities in
The SPLM-N Declared a One Month Unilateral Cessation of Hostilities in Response to the Flood Disaster 2013-08-31 20:25:00 Font size: Decrease font Enlarge font . ? Yasir Arman Secretary General, SPLM-N Yasir Arman Secretary General, SPLM-N
The SPLM-N is deeply concerned about the disastrous flood situation and the lack of response by the Sudan government that exposed the corruption of the National Congress government when it comes to the infrastructure, which was washed away by the flood and left the Sudanese people alone without serious help and intervention from government agencies. The flood displaced more than 400,000 all over Sudan and killed around 100, and it is worse than the floods of 1946 and 1988. The SPLA-N concerned about the flood disaster all over Sudan and especially in the areas of its military presence has decided to declare a unilateral cessation of hostilities from 11:59pm on the 31st of August to 11:59pm on the 30th of September. This unilateral cessation of hostilities does not include the moving targets and does not prejudice acts of self defense. All SPLA-N soldiers are ordered to help the civilian populations in whatever way possible, especially in South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile, and they should be on maximum alert and ready to act in self-defense. The order has been issued from the Commander in Chief of the SPLA-N, General Malik Agar.
Yasir Arman
Secretary General, SPLM-N
