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The Nuer Community of North America Calls upon China, Russia and Iran

12-30-2013, 09:52 PM

The Nuer Community of North America Calls upon China, Russia and Iran

    The Nuer Community of North America Calls upon China, Russia and Iran and Ethiopia to save our brothers and sisters from more massacre by Uganda army force back by UN Mission in South Sudan and their allies
    Press release
    Nuer Community in Europe, Australia, Asia, Middle East and Canada and USA will also remind the world with our previous statements at the bottom
    Date: December 30, 2013
    December 30, 2013, 5000 of our Nuer brothers and sisters massacre in Juba. Nearly three weeks now since our people are being massacre in Juba. We, the Nuer Community worldwide were watching for the world to respond. Sadly, the so called UN Mission in South Sudan and it allies’ respond has been to authorizes the mastermind of our people’s massacre Yoweri Museveni to finishing the remaining of the Nuer people in South Sudan. Today, December 30, 2013 he said, “We (regional countries) gave the Nuer ethnic and their Riek Machar four days to respond and if the Nuer and Riek Machar doesn't response, we shall have to go for him and his Nuer people, all of us, that is what we agreed in Nairobi," Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni
    We, the Nuer people are callings upon our fellows’ human being; the Russia, the people Republic of China and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the fellow brothers and sisters in Sudan to save your fellow citizens, we are human being too and we are victims into this unwanted war in South Sudan. The Nuer ethnic groups who were targeted in Juba have nothing or whatsoever have anything to do with what is going on now.
    God blesses the lands of the Nuer with so many resources that are being used now by President Kirr and his allies to killed our people. Our Nuer areas are full of oil and we will be able to provide the cause with our oil money. We are in full control of Unity State, Makal will follow soon while we are preparing a major offensive and the remaining of 20% of Bor soon will fall, our forces are now marching to Juba and soon we will defeat Yoweri Musseveni In Uganda. We are calling upon LRAand allies to join and fight this war together, we are calling upon people’s army in African Central Republic, Eritrea Army and Sudan Army Forces to fight Yoweri and its allies. The fight now stand between the Nuer and the Ugandan.
    As such, after deliberating, the intellectuals of the Nuer community mainly in North America composed of Men, Youth, women and elders, came to conclusion that the regime in Juba does not any longer represent the interests of the people of South Sudan because it has been busy implementing policies, which target non-Dinka communities since the signing of CPA in 2005. The policies of extermination the regime in Juba employed started with the massacre of the Lou Nuer in 2006 in which 800 people were killed in the name of disarmaments, The Shilluk massacre in 2010 in Upper Nile State where the entire Shilluk Kingdom was burned to ashes.
    The killings of Nuer ethnics in Kaldak in 2011 in which according to UN “A U.N. security assessment said the motives of the clash were tribal and political. Tanginye’s force is predominantly from the Nuer community, while the majority of southerners are Dinka. The Nuer are an armed tribe that have had a long-running feud with the Dinka, and most southerners oppose the integration of rebel groups, many of which are Nuer, into the military. That long-running feud could explain why troops were reported to have disregarded orders from field commanders and targeted civilians, including women and children.”
    The Human Rights Watch and other organization said, “In recent months soldiers have committed serious abuses against civilians in the context of military operations against the rebels,” said Jehanne Henry, Sudan researcher for Human Rights Watch. “The SPLA needs to take steps to ensure soldiers do not commit such abuses. They need to improve command and control over soldiers and … hold soldiers accountable for crimes committed against civilians.”
    As we can see brothers and sisters in Russia, China and Middle East, in 2011, The Shilluk’s women are subject to rape and young men are arbitrarily detained without regard to law and due process. It was widely report that the mistreatment of Shilluks and the Nuer is documented by the US State Department in the Country, the Republic of South Sudan’s Report and nobody can question the ordeal our Nuer, the Ma’ahdi in Numile, the Shilluk brothers and sisters are going through in the hands of the rogue SPLA army commanded by war criminals, Salva Kirr and now his allies Uganda and Kenya
    The human rights abuses against innocent Murle people is well documented by UNMISS and Human Rights Watch. According to our sources, more than two thousands Murle women have been raped since the SPLA started disarmament in Jonglei state in May, 2012. The SPLA commander, Lt. Gen. Kuol Diem Kuol, is on record in defending mistreatment of Murle because he was given specific orders by Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to use tactics which do not conform to international norms in the process of disarmament.
    The raping of Murle women and the mistreatment of entire Murle community came about because Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir is on record saying that Murle people have infertility problem and the only way to increase their population by treating infertility is for SPLA army to rape their women. The SPLA army, which was sent to Murleland for disarmament, was given clear mandate, that is, raping Murle’s women was part of the treatment of infertility. Those who want to watch Gen. Kiir’s position on Murle’s infertility should go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhsQb8UR7AQ.
    On October, 14, 2012, Jonglei state MP from Murle community, Judi Jonglei Boyuris, rejected what he called the South Sudan army’s (SPLA) treatment of members of the Murle ethnic group “as enemies” (http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article44211. There is no question that the SPLA army in Murleland committed crimes against humanity in violation of the statute of International Criminal Court (ICC).
    What remains is whether the international community would indict Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against an identifiable group like Murle, the Nuer, Shilluk, Blanda. The SPLA leadership sent forces to Mureland with an intention of punishing them as MP Judi Jonglei Boyuris said. Unfortunately, the international community has led down Murle and up to now, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir has not yet been indicted of committing war crimes.
    On March, 30, 2012, the Nuer community in USA and Canada condemned the indiscriminate killings of ten Bari civilians in Komeru suburb of Juba between March, 4th and 5th. After conducting an investigation of the causes of the killings, the Nuer community concluded that the Bari civilians were deliberately targeted by members of the SPLA army because of their ethnicity. The investigation discovered that the land grabbers who defied demolition order of the State of Central Equatoria were acting under the orders of some SPLA generals who built houses in the same area that was supposed to be demolished. The SPLA army’s land grabbers ordered the Dinka soldiers to shoot any member of Bari community to thwart the demolition order. The rationale for killing innocent Bari civilians was to contaminate the political environment in order to make it difficult for Central Equatoria State to carry out the demolition order.
    The leadership of the Nuer community in Canada and USA pledged its allegiance to Nuer Youth in South Sudan and agreed on the followings:
    1. The executive leadership came to conclusion that the government of Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit has a policy to eliminate Nuer’s figures. The assassination of Lt. Gen. Gatluak Gai on July, 23rd, 2011, after signing peace on July, 19, is one indication that the Dinka leadership in Juba wants to eliminate Nuer’s figures one by one.
    2. The policy of eliminating Nuer’s figures is something which dated back to 1980s when the SPLM/A under the leadership of late Col. John Garang assassinated Col. Samuel Gai Tut who was the leader of Anyanya II. His successor, Col. William Chuol Deng Luoth, was also assassinated by the SPLM/A. Moreover, after 1991 Nasir Declaration, more than seven hundred Nuer officers of the SPLA/M were murdered in cold-blood in Greater Equatoria and Bahr El Ghazal by the orders of the SPLM/A leadership. One of the architects of the policy of eliminating Nuer’s officers after Riek Machar’s coup of 1991 was the current sitting President of South Sudan.
    3. The policies of assassinating Nuer’s figures continued up to present day. In March, 2011, the government of South Sudan agreed to make peace with forces of Maj. Gen. James Gai Yoach and told them to assemble at Mayom County. After luring them to a designated area in the name of peace, the forces of Maj. Gen. James Gai Yoach were attacked. Similar tactics were employed on April, 25th, 2011 when the SPLA forces attacked Maj. Gen. Gabriel Tang at Kaldak village after signing peace with him.
    4. The policy of exterminating the Nuer was also manifested in the way the SPLM/A committed serious human rights abuses against the Nuer civil population since the inception of the Movement in 1983. The Nuer were the first Southern civil population that was ethnically cleansed and massacred by the SPLA forces in 1985. The first bullets of the SPLM/A Movement were fired at Eastern Nuer of Gajaak clan where over 26 villages were burned down to ashes, while the hundreds of innocent women, children and elderly peoples were murdered between 1985 and 1987. The policy of massacring Nuer population was also implemented in Fangak and Bul Nuer areas in the same period.
    5. After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the same policy of exterminating the Nuer was also implemented. Prior to the signing of the CPA, Dinka leaders of the SPLM/A secretly met in Yei and passed what is now known as “Thirty Nine Laws against the Nuer”. Among those laws was the plan to assassinate Nuer’s figures and exterminating civilians. In 2006, the SPLA army embarked on putting those policies into action in Nuerland under the pretext of disarming the civilians. Hundreds of villages were burned where girls and elderly women were raped. Extermination of Nuer civil population was also manifested in Kaldak village and Mayom County this year.
    6. The policy of marginalizing the Nuer and other ethnic groups of the South is something that is done in a broad day light. Despite the fact that the Vice-president is a Nuer, marginalization and mistreatment of Nuer and other Southerners continued unabated. In most occasions, Dr. Riek Machar is not consulted by the President of South Sudan, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir because he is being used as a symbol to mask Dinka’s policies of dominating South Sudan by treating other ethnic groups as second class citizens.
    7. Most institutions of the government of South Sudan are being dominated by Dinka tribe despite the fact that Dinka are only 25% of South Sudan population. Recently, President Salva Kiir appointed his own clansmen from his home town as Chief Justice of South Sudan Supreme Court and Chairman of the Bank of South Sudan. In 2009, the same Salva Kiir decided that oil refinery of the South will be built in his home state of Warrap instead in Unity State where oil comes from in order to take jobs to his state.
    8. The Nuer Youth in Juba shall mobilize the Nuer in the world, particularly those in South Sudan, to defend their tribe from extermination and release Maj. Gen. Simon Gatwec Dual, Maj. Gen. Gabriel Tang, Maj. Gen. Mabor Dhol and Brig. Gen. Gatwec Joak. The Nuer Youth shall mobilize the Nuer in the villages to free themselves from Kiir’s regime.
    9. The Nuer community in North America endorsed the dismissal of Lt. Gen. James Hoth Mai from Nuer community in the world. The Nuer community in North America also calls on Nuer leadership in Juba to jettison Thomas Tut Doap, John Luk, Riek Machar, Chuol Rambang and John Kong Nyuon from Nuer community as soon as possible.
    10. The Nuer community has come to realization that Thomas Tut Doap, who is a Deputy Director General of Pensions and Social Insurance in Juba, was paid by Kiir’s regime to mobilize some elders who are only concerned for jobs to turn against the Nuer Youth’s mobilization against the regime. This man has been feeding on the blood of Nuer since 1983 and is known to have killed Nuer in the SPLM/A in 1980s.

    1. The Nuer community calls upon other tribes of the South to unite with the Nuer Youth to reverse Dinka domination in South Sudan which has replaced old Sudan’s Arabism and Islamism. There is no solution for ongoing human rights abuses in South Sudan except through popular uprising. The Youth in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya liberated their countries by going to streets to overthrow corrupt regimes which were feeding on the blood of young people. Therefore, the Nuer community calls upon Murle Youth, Equatoria’s youth, Shilluk’s youth and Dinka youth to unite with Nuer youth to topple the regime of dictator Salva Kiir Mayardit from power.
    2. After the total destruction of the regime of Dictator Salva Kiir, the South Sudan youth shall establish a democratic government which will observe freedom of speech, expression, rule of law, justice and equality of all ethnic groups. Corruption and land grabbing in South Sudan will end only when the regime of Dictator Salva Kiir is overthrown.
    Mr. Gatluk Chuol Reat,
    President of Nuer community of North America
    Tel. (226) 600 2703
    Email [email protected]

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