The London Symposium Organized by: British Friends of Sudan (BFOS)
09:55 PM Jun, 30 2015 Sudanese Online اعلانات سودانيزاونلاين-phoenix Arizona USA My Library at SudaneseOnline
In the name of God most Gracious, most Merciful
Date: Saturday 29.8.2015 First announcement for a one day symposium to discuss: THE ROAD TO TRUE DEMOCRACY IN SUDAN: “STRATEGIES FOR REGIME CHANGE and WHAT SHOULD BE DONE AFTER”. ---------------------------------- Objective: To develop a strategy of resistance and escalation mechanisms in the face of the regime that wants us to be subservient forever, and for a true democratic Sudan. ----------------------------- The participating speakers will be open to members of the Sudanese Trade Unionist who are anti NDF: (doctors, diplomats, engineers, lawyers, university lectures, journalists, veterinary doctors, Sudanese Women’s Union, teachers, workers, farmers etc. as well as the Sudanese Youth Organizations) The venue (Lecture theatre yet to be decided)* Birkbeck, University of London Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX *Interested attendee should indicate so by email to mailto:([email protected]([email protected]) before 10.7.2015 so that we know the theatre capacity needed. *Further correspondences will be sent to registered participants only Let us all work towards a free, just, democratic and peaceful Sudan * Please circulate to all interested people in your mailing list, hoping that all trade unionists inside the Sudan and in diaspora will know about the activity. The meeting is open to all. No individual and or group invitations, other than this flier, will be issued. All interested are welcome to register. * The symposium will be in the following format: 6 Key Note Speeches (of 20 minutes each). 2 Panel Discussions Sessions (one hour each) with lots of interactions from attendee. Please e-mail your abstract/s (maximum 500 words) and a short bio (maximum 100 words) to: mailto:[email protected]@btinternet.com Abstracts and bio of presenter (in Arabic), are to be submitted by 10.7.2015 Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors by 10.8.2015 Abstract book and final program will be ready by 20.8.2015 Acceptance of abstracts and or inclusion in panel discussion sessions is the discretionary of the symposium organizers. Interested attendee should send an email to register in the symposium mailing list: mailto:([email protected]([email protected]). The lecture theatre has a limited capacity, so first register first served. The organizing body, which is non-governmental, has no facilities to help in travel or visa arrangements for all symposium speakers, panelists and attendee from Sudan and or from abroad. The symposium language is Arabic Registration fees £10 registration (free for those in full time education) Speak up at the Birkbeck University of London 9-5:30, on 29.8.2015. Please forward to all interested parties in your mailing list. Many thanks.
Symposium organizer Professor Mohamed Baraka, FRCS. mailto:[email protected]@btinternet.com بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وباسم الشعب السوداني الصابر مؤتمر لندن التداولي الجهة المنظمة: اصدقاء السودان البريطانيون التاريخ: ٢٩/ ٨/ ٢٠١٥ الاعلان الاول لاجتماع ليوم واحد للتداول حول: الطريق الي تحقيق ديموقراطية حقيقية في السودان: تدارس سبل واستراتيجيات تغيير النظام القائم، والاتفاق علي البديل وما يتبع تغيير النظام: الأهداف: يهدف الاجتماع الي الاتفاق علي استراتيجية موّحدة تقود الي الارتفاع بسقف ووسائل العمل الجاد علي اسقاط هذا النظام الذي قبع علي صدر الوطن طوال ربع قرن من عمره أذاق فيها الاهلين ألواناً من الظلم والذل والهوان، وبث الفقر والمرض والجهل، ونشر الحروب والفساد والاستبداد، وقسم البلاد وشرزم العباد. ستكون الفرصة متاحة للمشاركين من المتحدثين من أعضاء النقابات والاتحادات المهنية من غير أعضاء حزب المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم وعملائه، (من الاطباء والبيطريين والصيادلة، والدبلوماسيين، والمهندسين، رجال القانون، اساتذة الجامعات، الصحفيين، اتحاد نساء السودان، العمال والمزارعين والمنظمات الشبابية) المكان: Birkbeck, University of London Malet Street London WC1E 7HX علي الراغبين في الحضور التأكيد علي العنوان الاليكتروني: mailto:[email protected]@btinternet.com وذلك قبل 10.7.2015 ٠ حتي تتمكن اللجنة المنظمة من تحديد عدد الحضور واختيار حجم وسعة القاعة التي ينعقد فيها المؤتمر فلنعمل معاً بيدٍ واحدة من أجل سودان موّحد، ترفرف في سمائه أعلام السلام الحرية والعدالة، وتنتفي بين اهله الحروب ويعمه الرخاء والعدل وتنتهي عهود الفقر والجوع والجهل والمرض. الرجاء نشر هذا الإعلان بين أكبر عدد من معارفكم علي أمل إن تجد الدعوة استجابة كبيرة من اتحادات العاملين والموظفين في داخل السودان، وبين اولئك الذين أجبروا علي ترك الوطن والمعاناة في بلاد اللجوء والاغتراب. الاجتماع مفتوح للجميع، وليست هناك دعوات فردية أو جماعية سوي هذا الإعلان، ونرحب بكل من لهم الرغبة في الحضور والمشاركة الفاعلة. ستتخذ المداولات شكل: (١) عدد ٦ متحدثين أساسيين (٢٠ دقيقة لكل واحد منهم) (٢) حلقتي نقاش للتداول بين الحضور (ساعة واحدة لكل حلقة) بغرض عرض وتبادل مختلف الاراء ووجهات النظر لتمثيل أكبر قدر من الحضور،، والوصول الي قرارات يتناها الاجتماع. الرجاء ممن يرغبون في المساهمة إرسال مساهماتهم/اوراقهم (بحد اقصي ٥٠٠ كلمة للورقة) ومعها مختصر للسيرة الذاتية (في حدود ١٠٠ كلمة) الي العنوان الاليكتروني: mailto:[email protected]@btinternet.com الرجاء ارسال الاوراق ونبذة قصيرة تضم شيئاً من السيرة الذاتية بتاريخ ٢٠١٥/٧/١٠ وسيكون البرنامج النهائي جاهزاً بتاريخ ٢٠١٥/٨/١٠. اختيار الاوراق والاختيار للمشاركة في النقاش خاضعاً لاختيار اللجنة المنظمة. علي من لديهم الرغبة في حضور المؤتمر التسجيل عن طريق العنوان الاليكتروني لمنظم المؤتمر، بروفيسور محمد الفاتح بركة: mailto:([email protected]([email protected]) نسبة لمحدودية الاماكن نرجو من الراغبين في الحضور والمشاركة، المبادرة بتسجيل اسمائهم لضمان مكان لهم، ونهيب بمن يرغبون في المشاركة تسجيل اسماءهم بتاريخ ٢٠١٥/٦/٣٠ . بما إن اللجنة المنظمة لا تتبع لأي جهة حكومية فنعتذر إذ ليس لدي اللجنة امكانات للمساعدة في نفقات السفر او تأشيرات الدخول للمتحدثين او المشاكرين في المداولات من السودان او من الدول الأخري. ستكون لغة المؤتمر هي اللغة العربية رسوم التسجيل: ١٠ جنيه استرليني للفرد، ومجاناً للدارسين من الطلاب والطالبات ارفعوا اصواتكم يا اخواني واخواتي، وعبروا عن رأيكم فيما يخص وطنكم ومواطنيكم، تقدموا بما ترونه في هذا اللقاء الجامع بجامعة بيربك، لندن بين الساعة التاسعة صباحاً الي الخامسة والنصف مساءً من يوم السبت الموافق ٢٠١٥/٨/٢٩ ولكم جميعاً الشكر مقدماً، وعاش السودان حراً ديموقراطياً كريماً،، ولتسقط الاقنعة التي تواري حولها الظلم والخداع باسم الدين. الرجاء نشر هذا الاعلان علي اوسع قدر. سيظل العار يسكننا ما لم نثور لكرامتنا..نحن وحدنا من بيدنا الحل منظم المؤتمر: بروفيسور محمد الفاتح بركة. mailto:[email protected]@btinternet.com
Will the symposium speakers please send me the title of their presentation/s as well as the time needed. We suggest that a maximum of 20 minutes each is reasonable enough, to allow us to accommodate as much as possible and allow plenty of time for the panel discussions سيظل العار يسكننا ما لم نثور لكرامتنا..نحن وحدنا من بيدنا الحل
الإخوة الأعزاء هذه وجهة نظري للخطوط العريضة والعناوين الرئيسية للمتحدثين وحلقات النقاش أرجو الاطلاع وإبداء الرأي مع الاضافاتاو الحذف حسب ما ترونه مناسبا وفقنا الله مع عاطر تحياتي الفاتح
١/ إسقاط النظام : رغم النجاح الباهر لتجربتي أكتوبر و ابريل فلقد فشلت انتفاضة سبتمبر لماذا ؟
العوامل وكيفية الاستفادة منها ، ولماذا لم ينجح الربيع العربي في السودان ( رغم خبراتنا السابقة ) ونجح في اعتصامات التحرير وفي انتفاضة تونس ? هل هناك عوامل خارجيه ؟ ما هو دور النقابات ؟ منظمات المجتمع المدني ؟ الشباب ؟ الثورة الشعبية المحمية ؟؟ المظاهرات ؟ العصيان المدني ؟ الإضرابات ؟ تصعيد العمل في كشف فساد النظام / جرايم الحرب / الفساد
٢/ ماذا بعد إسقاط النظام :
دولة المواطنة الديمقراطية وسبل الحفاظ عليها الحكم اللا مركزي العمل الجاد من اجل عودة الوحدة مع الجنوب ( كونفدرالية ) المحاسبة المحاور اللاتيه ١/ استراتيجية إسقاط النظام ١/ جدوى الحوار مع النظام ب/ كيفيه إسقاط النظام ج/ دور الشباب و المرأة
٢/ دور الاعلام فى التعبءه و كشف و رصد الفساد
٣/ دور السودانيين في المهاجر
٤/ قضية دار فور ،جبال النوبة و الهامش
٥/ التعامل مع المجتمع الاقليمى و الدولى
٦/ الفترة الانتقالية و المحاسبة
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- Sudan expresses its reservation on remarks made by Ki-Moon on attacks against (UNAMID) 04-29-15, 04:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
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- Statement attributable to the Spokesman of the Secretary-General on Darfur 04-28-15, 06:00 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
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- Sudan’s president told Troika that his country will not accept guardianship from any nation 04-28-15, 03:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’ national dialogue committee to contact AU to activate the process 04-27-15, 04:37 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Horn of Africa: New effort to reunite families caught up in South Sudan violence 04-27-15, 02:52 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan security stresses that the current year will be the last one for the insurgency 04-26-15, 03:51 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- EU expresses its strong dissatisfaction with the deadly war in South Sudan 04-26-15, 03:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
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- South Sudanese opposition leader says his home surrounded by security personnel 04-24-15, 04:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan pauses fishermen’s trial 04-24-15, 04:22 PM, Daily News Egypt
- Cooking gas and bread crises continue in Sudan 04-24-15, 01:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Nearly 8 million children in Sudan to be vaccinated against measles 04-24-15, 01:34 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president fails to get clearance to fly in airspace to travel to Indonesia 04-22-15, 04:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- USAID provides $ 135 million in aid to Sudan 04-22-15, 04:25 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Political developments prevent al-Bashir to attend A meeting in Indonesia: Sudan’s Foreign Ministr 04-21-15, 03:59 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The meeting of UNAMID exit strategy from Sudan’s Darfur resumes 04-21-15, 03:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The national dialogue will resume in the coming days: Sudanese Minister 04-21-15, 03:54 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Young Sudanese Political Leaders visit EU in Brussels 04-21-15, 02:02 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- More than 522 000 South Sudanese refugees scatter in four Eastern Africa countries: UN 04-20-15, 04:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan briefs EU and U.S on the general elections and the national dialogue 04-20-15, 04:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- We will not recognize the elections’ results: Sudan’s opposition 04-20-15, 03:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 13th UN Crime Congress closes with vow to implement Doha Declaration for crime’s victims 04-19-15, 03:31 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sexual violence is being committed in Sudan’s Darfur and South Sudan: UN 04-19-15, 03:30 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s president travels to Indonesia to participate in (NAM) Summit 04-19-15, 03:28 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese human rights defender detained on baseless charges and others at risk after armed raid on 04-19-15, 05:37 AM, african centre for justice
- The AUEOM Preliminary Report on the Sudan General Elections 04-17-15, 05:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Press Statement of the African Union Election Observation Mission to Sudan 04-17-15, 05:54 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- HRW accuses Sudan of targeting civilians in South Kordofan by cluster bombs 04-17-15, 03:55 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Port Sudan police releases election candidates 04-17-15, 01:54 PM, Radio Dabanga
- UNICEF strongly denounces death of 10 children in South Kordofan 04-17-15, 01:53 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan used cluster bombs in South Kordofan: HRW 04-17-15, 01:51 PM, Radio Dabanga
- One-third of Sudanese people vote in the elections: AU 04-17-15, 01:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- In memory of Osman Hummaida, Sudanese human rights champion, 1962-2014 04-17-15, 05:17 AM, african centre for justice
- AU announces stability of Sudan's elections 04-15-15, 04:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s President phones Saudi King to discus many issues 04-14-15, 05:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Government tells IGAD that it will meet the opposition after the elections 04-14-15, 05:11 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (North) statement for boycotting the farcical elections in Sudan 04-12-15, 10:08 PM, الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
- Detentions, civil society closures, media restrictions on eve of Sudan elections Sudan lacks conduc 04-12-15, 10:03 PM, african centre for justice
- The final arrangements for the opening of border crossing between Sudan and Ethiopia 04-12-15, 03:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Our aim is to help Sudan to conduct credible elections: IGAD says 04-12-15, 03:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- African Union sends 50-member delegation to observe Sudan’s elections 04-10-15, 03:30 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Rebels ambush Sudan forces in Blue Nile 04-10-15, 03:26 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Foreign Minister visits Turkey to discuss many issues 04-10-15, 03:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- No conducive environment for credible election: EU, Sudan Troika 04-10-15, 02:21 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Release of (4) abducted children in Sudan’s Abyei: UNICEF reveals 04-10-15, 02:18 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Anti-election rallies blocked, students detained in Khartoum 04-10-15, 02:15 PM, Radio Dabanga
- ICC President meets United Nations Secretary-General in New York 04-08-15, 06:11 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan pushes back elections n South Kordofan state 04-08-15, 06:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- SOUTH SUDAN and ETHIOPIA REFUGEES CAMPS:Declaration document for elections boycott 04-08-15, 03:54 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Evacuation of (585) Sudanese from Yemen to Saudi Arabia via buses 04-08-15, 03:51 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Anti-election campaign scares population of South Kordofan 04-08-15, 03:48 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Saudi Agriculture Minister discusses ways to finance projects in Sudan 04-08-15, 03:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The Sudan liberation Movement/Army The campaign of topples 04-07-15, 10:59 PM, حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد
- Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization celebrate 04-06-15, 06:05 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan will witness economic cooperation with Arab Gulf countries: Finance Minister 04-04-15, 06:11 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 200 Sudanese interested in the voluntary return from Yemen 04-04-15, 04:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Six students, one poet detained in El Obeid and Khartoum 04-04-15, 04:21 PM, Radio Dabanga
- There is any direction to postpone the elections whatsoever: Sudan’s ruling party 04-04-15, 04:19 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan,under leadership of Kiir,poses extraordinary threat to the U.S national security: Obama 04-01-15, 06:40 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC welcomes Palestine as a new State Party 04-01-15, 06:31 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Joint Q and A by FIDH and ACJPS on the 10th Anniversary of the Darfur Referral to the ICC 03-31-15, 06:29 PM, african centre for justice
- Sudanese lawyers call for release of colleague 03-31-15, 04:47 PM, Radio Dabanga
- We are ready to deploy an infantry brigade in Yemen: Sudan’s president says 03-31-15, 04:45 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Prospect of arrests in Darfur case bleak:Fatou Bensouda 03-31-15, 04:44 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan and UNICEF sign Joint Country Programme of Cooperation Agreement 03-29-15, 05:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese nationals assaulted in Yemen 03-29-15, 05:38 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Army dismisses reports that Yemen’s Houthi shot down Sudanese jet fighter 03-29-15, 05:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan govt. not serious about National Dialogue: rebel leader 03-29-15, 04:24 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Foreign Ministry to create legal attachés in the embassies abroad 03-29-15, 04:21 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The rebel SPLM-N committed sabotage actions in South Kordofan: Sudanese army says 03-29-15, 04:17 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan rebels claim attack on Habila garrison in South Kordofan 03-29-15, 04:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Egypt waits Sudan’s invitation to the National Committee on the Ethiopian dam 03-28-15, 05:36 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan puts 4 jet fighters and 6,000 military troops at the disposal of Saudi Arabia 03-28-15, 05:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s President praises efforts seeking to activate the joint Arab action 03-28-15, 05:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- After claiming to down Saudi coalition plane, Houthis say they're holding Sudanese pilot 03-28-15, 05:30 PM, Al Bawaba
- New witnesses heard in case against Sudan's opposition figures 03-28-15, 05:22 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Rebels led by Machar announces that the killed 38 government soldiers in Jonglei and Unity states. 03-27-15, 02:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- U.S Company fined USD 232.7 mln for transactions with Sudan and Iran 03-27-15, 02:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan joins Saudi offensive against Yemeni rebels 03-27-15, 12:28 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan confirms joining Saudi-led Yemen operation 03-26-15, 03:26 PM, Khaleej Times
- Schlumberger fined $232.7mn for breaking Iran, Sudan sanctions 03-26-15, 03:17 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Yemen: ICRC concerned at civilian casualties amid escalating violence 03-26-15, 03:10 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudanese govt. responsible for tribal violence: Darfur Bar 03-26-15, 03:07 PM, Radio Dabanga
- U.S. calls on South Sudanese parties to resume peace talks 03-25-15, 08:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese opposition forum denied permit in Khartoum 03-25-15, 06:05 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president travels to Egypt to participate in the Arab League summit 03-25-15, 06:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Bakeries close, water outage in Sudan’s capital 03-25-15, 04:49 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan sign agreement on Renaissance Dam 03-25-15, 00:58 AM, Radio Dabanga
- Joint Statement on the National Dialogue in Sudan by U.S. State Department 03-25-15, 00:55 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Security agents thwart anti-election forum in Port Sudan 03-25-15, 00:51 AM, Radio Dabanga
- South Sudan Rebel Group Releases Child Soldiers 03-23-15, 07:29 PM, wall street online journal
- Nine medical students were born in UK and studied medicine in Sudan 03-23-15, 07:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Missing British-Sudanese medics had humanitarian motives 03-23-15, 07:13 PM, BBC News
- Foreign intelligence finance terrorist groups: Sudan’s Vice President 03-23-15, 07:07 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- France denies Darfur rebel leader Nour the permanent residence in its territory: Sudan’s Foreign Mi 03-23-15, 05:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- International agents behind Arab, African extremism 03-23-15, 05:33 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Relations with Egypt at its best: Sudan’s President stresses 03-23-15, 05:28 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- President Omar Al Bashir urges people of Darfur to expel the devil 03-23-15, 05:26 PM, Radio Dabanga
- British Embassy in Khartoum refuses to grant visas to many Sudanese 03-22-15, 05:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan plans to disband camps in secure West Darfur 03-22-15, 05:28 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s ruling party denies use of the State resources in its electoral programmes 03-22-15, 04:19 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Contaminated medical waste alert in Sudan’s capital 03-22-15, 04:17 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Land travels between Sudan and Ethiopia starts in April 03-22-15, 04:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Large quantity of drugs destroyed in eastern Sudan 03-22-15, 04:13 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Nine British medics enter Isis stronghold to work in hospitals 03-22-15, 00:15 AM, theguardian
- WFP Executive Director visits South Sudan 03-21-15, 06:09 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Bloody tribal clashes in Sudan’s Darfur left many dead and injured 03-21-15, 06:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Two young women gang-raped in East Jebel Marra 03-21-15, 06:00 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Staying at 5-star hotels will not solve Sudanese issues: Democratic Unionist Party 03-21-15, 05:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan Factions Recruit Thousands of Child Soldiers 03-21-15, 03:40 PM, Voice of America
- (800) tones of aid to South Sudan’s victims through Sudan 03-21-15, 03:36 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- President speeches, opposition raided in Sudan 03-21-15, 03:35 PM, Radio Dabanga
- South Sudan warlord offers abducted boys sit exams - UN envoy 03-20-15, 04:49 PM, Reuters
- Population Under Pressure in South Sudan Opposition Territory 03-20-15, 03:26 PM, Voice of America
- China supplies South Sudan with weapons to protect its oil fields 03-20-15, 03:18 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan rebels say civil war will go on 03-20-15, 01:21 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Sudan to lift oil output with new wells: minister 03-19-15, 11:17 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Ntaganda case: Trial Chamber VI recommends holding the opening of trial in DRC; decision to be made 03-19-15, 05:15 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan: ICRC appeals for funds to scale up humanitarian action 03-18-15, 07:13 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al Bashir pardons five JEM-Sudan convicts 03-18-15, 05:09 PM, Radio Dabanga
- 500, 000 dollars from FAO to support agriculture in Sudan 03-18-15, 05:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan hit by severe shortage of flour 03-18-15, 05:00 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s army says that it killed 60 rebels in fighting in Southern Kordofan 03-18-15, 04:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudanese army announces killing of 130 rebels 03-17-15, 09:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan rebels confirm heavy fighting in north 03-17-15, 09:29 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Five dead, three injured in Darfur shootings 03-17-15, 07:36 PM, Radio Dabanga
- China describes its relationship with Sudan as a model must be followed 03-17-15, 07:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese popular and official delegations conduct dialogue with U.S. lobbies on sanctions 03-17-15, 07:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Trial of 19 Darfur rebels starts in Sudan’s capital 03-17-15, 07:19 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Indonesia invites Sudan’s president to attend Bandung Summit 03-16-15, 06:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- One dead, two injured in new fire at Bindisi camp, Central Darfur 03-16-15, 06:20 PM, Radio Dabanga
- We show the world that the elections will be free and fair: Sudanese National Elections 03-16-15, 05:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan opposition, govt. still at odds on election 03-16-15, 05:12 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Al-Bashir discusses with Mufti of Croatia position of Muslim minorities 03-16-15, 05:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Call for Sudan to stop recruiting minors in South Kordofan 03-16-15, 05:05 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Vice President calls for completing of the tribal reconciliations in Darfur 03-16-15, 05:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- SPLM-N leadership: Sudan Deserves a New Peace 03-15-15, 08:27 PM, الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
- Specialist shortage sees cancer rise in Sudan 03-13-15, 04:22 PM, Radio Dabanga
- South Sudan’s government says it does not want ‘Troika’ countries to be included in the peace talks 03-13-15, 04:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Foreign aid goods for sale at Sudanese markets: displaced 03-13-15, 04:18 PM, Radio Dabanga
- ICC knows it doesn't scare Sudan at all: Information Minister says 03-13-15, 04:15 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- $ 68 million from the Kuwaiti Fund for Sudanese water project 03-13-15, 02:35 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sustainable fisheries project launched for Sudan’s Red Sea State 03-13-15, 02:31 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese army says it repels SPLM-N attack on Southern Kordofan 03-13-15, 02:28 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Kenyatta case: Trial Chamber V(B) terminates the proceedings 03-13-15, 02:26 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan’s president invites his Egyptian counterpart to sign a document on the Ethiopian dam 03-11-15, 06:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s ruling party welcomes Berlin Declaration 03-11-15, 06:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- ICC moves intended to disrupt the elections: Sudan’s parliament 03-11-15, 06:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Norway and UNIDO launch a € 4,8 million project for the sustainable management of marine fisheries 03-11-15, 05:05 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- S. Sudan Braces for Sanctions as Economy Limps 03-11-15, 05:04 PM, Voice of America
- ICC Trial Chamber I joins the cases concerning Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé 03-11-15, 04:58 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Six new judges sworn in today at the seat of the International Criminal Court 03-11-15, 03:09 AM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan’s ruling party thanks German for sponsoring the Berlin Conference 03-10-15, 04:51 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- China calls on the warring parties in South Sudan to reach a settlement 03-10-15, 04:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- World Bank is to address Sudan’s problems in the areas of development 03-10-15, 04:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UNICEF expresses its concern about the children situations in Sudan 03-10-15, 04:47 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al-Bashir vows to complete the development in eastern Sudan 03-10-15, 04:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- International court: Sudan has failed to cooperate in al-Bashir case 03-09-15, 04:13 PM, Reuters
- Students protest in Dongola, northern Sudan 03-09-15, 04:10 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Pre-Trial Chamber II informs the United Nations Security Council about Sudan’s non-cooperation in t 03-09-15, 03:54 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- The Secretary-General Remarks at the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women 03-09-15, 03:50 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- On International Women’s Day, ICC reaffirms commitment to end sexual and gender-based crimes 03-08-15, 08:06 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- US condemns lack of "political leadership" to resolve South Sudan's war 03-07-15, 05:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s President participates in the Egypt Economic Development Conference 03-07-15, 05:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan participates in the Arab Ministerial Council in Cairo 03-07-15, 04:59 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Ongwen case: Confirmation of charges hearing postponed to 21 January 2016 03-06-15, 10:34 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Six newly elected ICC judges to be sworn in on 10 March 2015 03-06-15, 10:32 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- South Sudan:76 organizations call for publication of AU Inquiry Report as deadline for peace passe 03-06-15, 10:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia reach an agreement on sharing of Nile waters and Ethiopian Dam 03-06-15, 02:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese army is preparing for the crush of the rebellion 03-06-15, 02:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- A presidential pardon to release Sudan’s opposition figures within days 03-06-15, 02:28 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s president urges the parties to overcome differences about the Ethiopian dam 03-06-15, 02:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Lubanga case: ICC Appeals Chamber amends the Trial Chamber’s order for reparations to victims 03-04-15, 04:10 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the South Sudan Peace Proce 03-04-15, 03:48 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Trial postponed against Leave! campaigners in eastern Sudan 03-03-15, 03:36 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese-German talks discuss Berlin Declaration 03-03-15, 03:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The country is able to resolve the international problems: Sudan’s Foreign Minister 03-02-15, 09:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UNAMID announces that it will cut 770 civilian jobs 03-02-15, 07:36 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The International community agrees that Sudan is an oasis of peace in the region: presidential assi 03-02-15, 07:21 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- China sees no "logic" behind US-drafted resolution on South Sudan 02-28-15, 03:19 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese tribesmen request reconciliation mechanism 02-28-15, 03:18 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president stresses the opposition’s inability to block the elections 02-28-15, 03:17 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Fatou Bensouda, following the Appeals Chamber decision upholding the acquittal in the Ngudjolo Chui 02-27-15, 09:53 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Ngudjolo Chui case: ICC Appeals Chamber confirms the acquittal decision 02-27-15, 07:30 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudanese leader says being hounded by ICC, West 02-27-15, 07:29 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Fatou Bensouda, at a press conference in Uganda: justice will ultimately be dispensed for LRA crime 02-27-15, 07:25 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan admits children lack iodine 02-27-15, 02:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
- U.N extends peacekeeping force in disputed area of Abyei 02-27-15, 02:39 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Airlines threaten to suspend Khartoum, Port Sudan flights 02-27-15, 02:38 PM, Radio Dabanga
- 16,000 Ugandan deploy on the Sudan-South Sudan borders 02-27-15, 02:36 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Tortured Hausa prisoners released in eastern Sudan 02-27-15, 02:35 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Freedoms severely curtailed in Sudan in 2014: Amnesty 02-27-15, 01:19 PM, Radio Dabanga
- I’m ready to “leave” if the people decided that through elections: Sudan’s president 02-27-15, 01:16 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan's Bashir says will quit in 2020 if re-elected president 02-26-15, 06:02 PM, Reuters
- South Sudan must establish a transitional government of national unity 02-26-15, 03:43 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Egypt funds first of several dams in South Sudan 02-26-15, 03:27 AM, Daily News Egypt
- Liberation of Kuhliyat garrison 5 km west Kadugli city 02-25-15, 08:33 PM, الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
- Bashir: Iranian centers closed to protect Sudan 02-25-15, 08:32 PM, Al Arabiya News
- Statement of the ICC Prosecutor at a press conference in the Central African Republic 02-25-15, 08:29 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan’s Main Opposition Parties to Boycott April Election 02-25-15, 05:58 PM, Voice of America
- US presents UN draft resolution on imposing sanctions in South Sudan 02-25-15, 05:55 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan election is 'propaganda', says rebel leader 02-25-15, 05:53 PM, Guardian News
- Security detains anti-dam activist in northern Sudan 02-25-15, 05:41 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan's Interior Minister meets with the Speaker of Ethiopian Parliament 02-25-15, 04:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- National Congress Party official killed in eastern Sudan 02-25-15, 04:57 PM, Radio Dabanga
- After harrowing journey, Sudanese asylum seeker freed from Israeli detention center 02-24-15, 09:25 PM, Haaretz Daily Newspaper
- China announces that it will continue to support South Sudan peace process 02-24-15, 04:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Three die in militia attacks in South and North Darfur 02-24-15, 04:03 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan and Kuwait negotiate help Zain repatriate $280 million worth of Sudanese pounds 02-24-15, 04:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur displaced invite US Deputy Secretary of State to visit their camps 02-24-15, 04:00 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s court refuses to release opposition leaders on a regular bail 02-24-15, 03:23 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan: Court session against Abu Eisa, Madani turns into political rally 02-24-15, 03:22 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan election campaign to start amid opposition boycott 02-23-15, 05:39 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia receive offers for Nile dam studies 02-23-15, 05:35 PM, Ahram Online
- Offers from firms to conduct technical studies on the Ethiopian dam 02-23-15, 05:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Mass deportation starts at new dam sites in eastern Sudan 02-23-15, 05:32 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Boko Haram on agenda of IGAD Inter -Parliamentary Union in Khartoum 02-23-15, 05:29 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan activists to take action against Tabit mass rape 02-23-15, 05:29 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Church fights confiscation, closure in Sudan’s capital 02-23-15, 04:26 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Talks between Khartoum and Washington on human rights and democracy 02-23-15, 04:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur rebels kill soldiers in central Jebel Marra 02-21-15, 03:23 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Darfur authority stresses that improvement of U.S-Sudanese relations will bring peace 02-21-15, 03:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Central Darfur's displaced without shelter after fire 02-21-15, 03:21 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president addresses the Speakers of Parliaments of IGAD 02-21-15, 03:19 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UNAMID prepares for a safe exit from Sudan’s Darfur 02-20-15, 02:18 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese hospital medics strike over non-payment 02-20-15, 02:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Vice President warns the young of extremism and terrorism 02-20-15, 02:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Brig. Gen. John Mabieh vowed to take Malakal town by 9th March this year 02-19-15, 03:38 PM, Weirial Puok Baluang
- South Sudan Rebel Spokesman Defects 02-18-15, 11:43 PM, Voice of America
- U.S. Treasury Allows Personal Communication Exports to Sudan 02-18-15, 11:41 PM, wall street online journal
- Arab Journalists Union decries Sudanese crackdown on newspapers 02-18-15, 10:05 PM, Khaleej Times
- FAO teams up with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rangelands and provides about USD 1 mill 02-18-15, 03:41 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- South Sudan Warns Media Not to Publish Rebel Interviews 02-17-15, 04:29 PM, Voice of America
- Cattle theft, malnutrition in East Jebel Marra 02-17-15, 03:32 PM, Radio Dabanga
- We agreed with Washington to continue the dialogue: Sudan says 02-17-15, 03:30 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese press massacred in Khartoum 02-17-15, 03:29 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s journalists protest against confiscation of (14) papers 02-17-15, 03:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The dialogue conference kicks off this week: Sudan’s Government 02-16-15, 03:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese journalist disappears under mysterious circumstances 02-15-15, 03:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Women Union, Darfur Centre welcome HRW report 02-15-15, 03:52 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan meets an international team to discuss an exit strategy of UNAMID 02-15-15, 03:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Israel’s hard stance to get Sudanese asylum seekers to leave 02-14-15, 04:05 PM, Haaretz Daily Newspaper
- Sudan denies rumors that it closed its Embassy in Yemen 02-14-15, 04:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Political delegation in Tabit scares residents 02-14-15, 03:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- IGAD's Inter-Parliamentary Union convenes its meeting in Khartoum 02-14-15, 03:12 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan investigates rape of girl in Darfur by UNAMID officer: Source 02-13-15, 03:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s opposition welcomes HRW’s confirmation of Darfur mass rape 02-13-15, 01:58 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan refers the case of the two political detainees to the court 02-13-15, 01:56 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 38,600 displaced in Darfur in a month: OCHA 02-13-15, 01:54 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan security detains man at North Darfur market 02-13-15, 01:48 PM, Radio Dabanga
- UNICEF discloses that (300) child soldiers were released in South Sudan 02-11-15, 05:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on the Internation 02-12-15, 03:17 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Seven Investment Programme Areas Under the Sudanese National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) Id 02-12-15, 03:15 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan: Mass Rape by Army in Darfur UN, AU Should Press for Protection, International Investigation 02-11-15, 10:04 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Human rights investigations: Sudan army ordered mass rape Darfur 02-11-15, 05:02 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Military cooperation between Sudan and China 02-11-15, 04:59 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Unamid urged to open base in Tabit after mass rape 02-11-15, 04:57 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Improvement in economic relations with the Gulf: Sudan Finance Minister 02-11-15, 04:55 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s president to meet the opposition forces on February 21 02-11-15, 03:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Two more militiamen die after army, militia clashes in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra 02-11-15, 03:56 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan welcomes any U.S help to solve the Two Areas crisis 02-11-15, 03:53 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan’s rebel’s fighters bombard government positions 02-10-15, 04:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Leave! campaign to be intensified: Umma Party official 02-10-15, 04:57 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan and Kuwait sign a number of agreements to upgrade the level of relations 02-10-15, 04:54 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Kuwaiti, Sudanese FMs mull bilateral relations 02-10-15, 04:52 PM, KUNA-Kuwait News Agency
- Sudan discusses with America official the refugee projects funded by Washington 02-10-15, 04:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Launch of Sudanese electronic gateway project 02-09-15, 05:15 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- SLM-SR statement in response to ICC Chief Prosecutor Suspension of Darfur Investigations 02-08-15, 06:47 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudanese top official in Washington today 02-08-15, 05:39 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- LJM ex-rebels continue integration process into Sudan’s army 02-08-15, 04:04 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president scoffed at the campaign launched by the opposition to boycott the elections 02-08-15, 03:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Fire destroys 45 houses in Abu Suruj camp, West Darfur 02-08-15, 03:55 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese-Kuwaiti Ministerial Committee meets tomorrow in Kuwait 02-08-15, 03:53 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Firewood collectors assaulted in Kabkabiya, North Darfur 02-06-15, 03:12 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president supports the Arab Parliament efforts 02-06-15, 01:39 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Boy burns to death in attack on villages in North Darfur 02-06-15, 01:37 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan and Arab League discuss providing assistance to Darfur 02-04-15, 05:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Thirst in North Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya camps 02-04-15, 04:51 PM, Radio Dabanga
- MP demands rule of law restored in North Darfur 02-04-15, 03:52 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese Journalists Union rejects confiscation of the newspapers 02-04-15, 03:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Ministry of Culture orders the closure of the Sudanese Writer’s Union 02-03-15, 07:10 PM, african centre for justice
- Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, ahead of the gener 02-02-15, 07:56 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- AU movements to withdraw Darfur file from (ICC): Sudanese Foreign Minister 02-02-15, 04:37 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 400 JEM faction combatants to merge with Sudan army 02-02-15, 04:36 PM, Radio Dabanga
- More bombs fall on Golo, Central Darfur 02-02-15, 03:43 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese court renews detention of opposition leader 02-02-15, 03:41 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese El Midan gagged for 10th time 02-02-15, 03:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
- AU calls on (ICC) to drop or suspend charges against Sudan’s president and Kenyan Deputy President 02-01-15, 05:40 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- USAID, BRAC Launch Project to Reach Out-of-School Children in South Sudan 01-30-15, 05:29 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Africa Union Peace and Security Council stands in the way of Justice in South Sudan 01-30-15, 05:27 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Former Sudan Lost Boy Becomes Chess Master in NYC 01-30-15, 04:46 PM, Voice of America
- Sudan's Omar al-Bashir gets Chinese-built presidential palace 01-27-15, 04:05 PM, BBC News
- Re: Sudan opposition leader defends women rights 02-01-15, 05:06 AM, بكرى ابوبكر
- Sudan’s president participates in AU Summit in Addis Ababa 01-18-15, 11:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Re: Sudanese-Chinese talks convened today in Khartoum 01-30-15, 02:56 AM, بكرى ابوبكر
- Al Bashir’s candidacy humiliation for all Sudanese: Darfur displaced 01-12-15, 03:36 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s ruling party announces its electoral programme 12-30-14, 01:57 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan and Kenya confirm that ICC targets Africa leaders 12-26-14, 04:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Ethiopia supports the collective leave of African States from (ICC): Sudan’s government says 12-26-14, 02:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan demands apology for Jordan statement on ICC report 12-23-14, 10:04 PM, The Middle East Monitor
- Khartoum summons Jordanian Ambassador about Jordan mission statements to UN 12-23-14, 10:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Washington Post interview with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir 12-23-14, 09:59 PM, The Washington Post
- Letter to the UN on the ICC sent today:Re the ICC arrest warrant for President al Bashir 12-22-14, 03:29 PM, بيانات سودانيزاونلاين
- Sudan calls on (UNSC) to cancel resolution 1593 which referred the Darfur file to ICC 12-19-14, 02:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC’s referral of Darfur issue to UN is a means of pressure to arrest those wanted by the court: Su 12-17-14, 02:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Displaced urge UN Security Council to act on Darfur case 12-16-14, 04:29 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Statement by the UK Legal Advisor to the UK Mission to the UN to the Security Council Briefing on S 12-16-14, 02:30 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- ICC decision is a “chance” to Sudanese and African community to put an end to the court: Sudan’s Pa 12-15-14, 02:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al-Bashir says (ICC) is one of the tools aims to humiliate and subjugate Sudanese 12-14-14, 01:41 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC criticizes UN for failing to push for the arrest of Sudanese President 12-13-14, 03:10 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Call A Political Declaration on the Establishment of a State of Citizenship and Democracy 12-06-14, 03:37 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Bemba, Kilolo et al. case: Pre-Trial Chamber II commits five suspects to trial 11-11-14, 04:25 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, attends 7th Colloquium of Inter 11-05-14, 05:58 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- ICC holds first sub-regional Seminar of Counsel and the Legal Profession in Dakar, Senegal 10-27-14, 09:41 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Fatou Bensouda briefs the United Nations Security Council 10-24-14, 04:31 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- SLM-Minawi faction: Countdown for arresting Al-bashir begins 10-11-14, 02:11 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Experts consider appearance of Kenyan present before ICC as legal precedent 10-10-14, 04:09 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al Bashir should take Kenyan President as example: Sudan rebels 10-10-14, 02:41 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Letter to President Obama from Sudanese living in Diaspora 10-09-14, 10:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- A demonstration in London on April 28 to condemn terrorism and violence practiced by Sudanese autho 10-08-14, 07:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- An important statement No. (13) from talafun kuku On behalf of the silent majority In Sudan 10-02-14, 04:25 PM, تلفون كوكو ابو جلحة
- International Criminal Court opens its doors to more than 750 visitors on Hague International Day 09-22-14, 07:02 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- ICC Trial Chamber IV issues arrest warrant against Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain 09-11-14, 05:04 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- UNICEF receives two million Euros to face malnutrition in children in Sudan 08-27-14, 08:09 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC to start trial of Banda on Friday 07-16-14, 11:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Head of Sudanese Alliance puts road-map plan to remove tension 06-18-14, 07:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan renews rejection to ICC measures 06-18-14, 07:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Human Rights Crisis: Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee 06-13-14, 07:52 PM, african centre for justice
- Sudan to execute Christian woman who refused to convert to Islam 05-16-14, 02:24 PM, Jerusalem Post
- Sudanese authorities must release pregnant Christian woman and review conviction for apostasy and a 05-12-14, 09:30 PM, african centre for justice
- New Amnesty International report - Nowhere Safe: Civilians Under Attack in South Sudan 05-11-14, 07:24 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- ICC urges Ethiopia to arrest President Al-Bashir 05-01-14, 05:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Full Account of the debate at Commons on South Sudan 04-30-14, 09:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Solidarity Committee threatens to take” September victims” case to ICC 04-23-14, 03:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- No justice for Sudan protest killings: Human Rights Watch 04-22-14, 04:25 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan: No Justice for Protest Killings Release Detainees and Punish Abusive Forces 04-21-14, 05:57 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan turns down Qatari request to harbor “Muslim brotherhood” members 04-05-14, 04:53 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 01 to 15 March 2014 04-02-14, 07:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese Parliamentarian considers non-invitation of President Al-Bashir to attend African-European 04-02-14, 03:12 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur Union’s (UK) letter to the Prime Minster David Cameron after the demonstration 03-31-14, 03:27 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for February 2014 03-26-14, 02:39 PM, Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
- Mohamed I. Elgadi’s Letter to President Obama 03-26-14, 02:29 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese site restored with Italy’s help 03-17-14, 04:38 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Jordon denies apologizing to receive Sudanese President 03-11-14, 02:56 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, providing an updat 03-07-14, 06:42 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Statement by the International Criminal Court on the occasion of International Women’s Day 03-07-14, 06:41 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Pro-Sudanese government militias accused of fresh killings in Darfur 03-06-14, 02:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Booth: The US will continue urging international community to ask Sudan cooperate with ICC 02-28-14, 02:53 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- NEWS FLASH: DR Congo: Arrest Sudanese President al-Bashir, wanted for genocide 02-26-14, 05:47 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- President of the Assembly calls upon the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to resp 02-26-14, 05:45 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Publication of Constitutional Proetction of Human Rights in Sudan 02-10-14, 05:37 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Issues No. 6 and 7 of the Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin covering the periods 01 to 1 02-10-14, 05:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The Nuer Community of North America Calls upon China, Russia and Iran 12-30-13, 08:52 PM, sudaneseonline
- Massacre of Nuer civilians at The Hands of President Kiir’s Dinka mili 12-22-13, 00:49 AM, sudaneseonline
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin Issue No 4 01 – 15 Decem 12-17-13, 06:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Fears for the safety of Sudanese youth movement leader denied medical 12-10-13, 03:29 PM, sudaneseonline
- Statement by the International Criminal Court on the passing of Nelson 12-07-13, 00:06 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- 3rd Issue of the Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for the 12-02-13, 02:32 PM, sudaneseonline
- The Technical Issues for the Polio Campaign Remain Unresolved and the 11-13-13, 04:04 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- JEM Response to AU Peace and Security Council Communiqué (PSC) at it 10-25-13, 05:14 PM, Abdullahi Osman El-Tom
- JEM Response to AU Peace and Security Council Communiqué (PSC) at its 10-24-13, 04:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UN revels that Sudan's president has canceled his visit to New York 09-27-13, 00:10 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur People's Association of New York Rally to urge UN, UNSC and the 09-26-13, 04:29 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Rally to urge UN, UNSC and the United states to stand for Justice for 09-23-13, 06:21 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- UN: Demand al-Bashir’s surrender to the International Criminal Court 09-20-13, 04:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Washington is obliged to protect al-Bashir: Sudanese Parliament says 09-19-13, 04:25 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC urges American administration to arrest Sudan's president, if he v 09-19-13, 04:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al Bashir case: ICC Judges invite the US to arrest the suspect and sur 09-18-13, 07:07 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- U.S. is not qualified morally, politically or legally to give any less 09-18-13, 03:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Human Rights Situation in Sudan: Amnesty International’s joint written 09-11-13, 09:17 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Renewal and strengthening of the special procedure mandate on the situ 09-11-13, 09:16 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Kenya: Cooperate fully with International Criminal Court trials 09-09-13, 05:04 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
   