12-02-2015, 07:56 PM |
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Sudanese man found dead in Channel tunnel hoped for new life in UK
06:56 PM Dec, 02 2015 Sudanese Online theguardian-London-UK My Library Short URL Husham Osman Alzubair died from devastating head injuries on the rear wagon of freight train coming from France Husham Osman Alzubair aimed to enrol on a civil engineering master’s degree course in the UK. Photograph: PAPress AssociationWednesday 2 December 2015 09.04 EST Last modified on Wednesday 2 December 2015 09.48 ESTA young Sudanese man found dead after illegally entering in the Channel tunnel was trying to join family members in Britain, an inquest has heard.Husham Osman Alzubair, 22, aimed to enrol on a civil engineering master’s degree course in the UK after leaving his home village near Khartoum earlier this year.But he was found dead from devastating head injuries on the rear wagon of a freight train as it arrived through the Channel tunnel at Folkestone, Kent.An inquest held at Folkestone magistrates court heard that a large number of people had earlier tried to breach the tunnel’s security, with 46 being detained by police.Darfur-born Alzubair, an engineering graduate, was first spotted on CCTV cameras in France lying on the rear wagon of a freight train just after 3am on 23 July.As the train arrived on the English side of the tunnel, a security team saw his body lying in the same position, the inquest was told.A bid to revive him proved futile and he was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics who were already there dealing with another incident.DS Matthew Jones, of Kent police, told the inquest that officers first believed the body was of a teenage boy, aged between 15 and 17.Jones said a sim card and a mobile phone were found, containing more than 10,000 images and a large amount of text and call data. Jones said the last outgoing call recorded from the phone was about 13 minutes before Alzubair was first spotted, to an unknown person.A picture of a Barclaycard led investigators to Alzubair’s brother, Husam, who was living in Birmingham, and DNA from him was used to confirm the dead man’s identity.Listening in court to the evidence was Husam, a friend and two cousins of Alzubair, who had left his parents in Sudan.A postmortem examination confirmed his cause of death was a traumatic haemorrhage skull fracture. Toxicology tests for drugs and alcohol were negative.Asked whether the situation relating to incursions had now changed in France, Jones said: “It is nowhere near the levels that it was during the summer. In my opinion that is probably down to the changing weather conditions and the recent response by the French police.”No exact date was revealed about when Alzubair had arrived in Calais, where about 6,000 migrants are camped at a site known as Jungle II.The coroner, Rachel Redman, questioned how he came to sustain his fatal injuries, but Jones said it remained a mystery.He said: “We have no information to help answer that question. Our best guess would be that during the period that clandestines were running along the train and jumping on. We suspect when he jumped on he received that injury, but we have no CCTV or witnesses to confirm that.”The inquest heard that DCI Simon Morris had asked the coroner to write a report requiring Channel tunnel operator Eurotunnel to review its security procedures. Redman refused the request, saying this was the only death that had been reported to her, and the problems appeared to have abated.She recorded a verdict of accidental death.Afterwards, Alzubair’s cousin, Alnoor Shuaib, said the family still had unanswered questions about how he died. He said: “Maybe someone pushed him, we don’t know. We have not got any evidence, and that is a real surprise to me.” أحدث المقالات- إن.. وإن .. بقلم رندا عطية
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