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News and Press ReleasesSudanese and Egyptian Foreign Ministers and Security Chiefs issue joint statement
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Sudanese and Egyptian Foreign Ministers and Security Chiefs issue joint statement

02-08-2018, 10:15 PM
Sudan News Agency
<aSudan News Agency
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Sudanese and Egyptian Foreign Ministers and Security Chiefs issue joint statement

    10:15 PM February, 08 2018

    Sudanese Online
    Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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    Khartoum, 8 Feb (SUNA) - Sudan and Egypt on Thursday underlined the strength and eternity of the relations between the two countries and the unity of the fate of the two nations, their desire to boost brotherly relation and to maximize the areas of cooperation.

    The Foreign Ministers of the Sudan and Egypt and the Security Chiefs in the two countries issued a joint statement following meetings between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sudan, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour, and the Chief of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) of Sudan, Gen Mohamed Atta Al Moula Abas, with their Egyptian counterparts, Samih Shukri, Egypt's Foreign Minister and Gen, Abas Kamil of the Egyptian Security.

    The statement underlined the strategic relations between the two countries and observance and respect of internal choices and need to cooperate and coordinate at the highest levels in a ways that reflect the deep relationship.

    The statement said the two sides have agreed to reactivate the joint committee and mechanism in the various domains, improve the political consultations at the ministerial level and any other committees to be set, while at the same time removing any hurdles that may face the, said committees.

    It said the two sides are determined to boost cooperation in the field of energy and electricity link, land, air and maritime transportation and other infrastructure projects, making use of the expertise in the two countries.

    The two sides, the statement stressed, expressed their importance of cooperation and coordinate in the field of Nile waters within the framework of their commitment to wards signed agreement between the two sides as per the 1959 Nile water accord.

    It said the Sudan and Egypt should work to implement the outcome of the tripartite summit results between the Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia, with regard to the GRED, reached in Addis Ababa and within the context of the declaration of principles reached in Khartoum in March 2015.

    They two sides, it said, are agreed on the need to address the concerns of each side and to contain the media tit-for-tat and to instead convey the correct image about the ties between the two sides and jointly work to draft a media ethic that would do away with any abuse or debasing of any official or people on the other side.

    It said the two sides have agreed to beef up consultation on regional issues of mutual concern and to make an effort for explaining stands taken by any side and bring closer view including on regional issues

    The two sides also agreed to continue boosting military and security cooperation between the two sides and to convene the joint military committee and the security commission soonest possible.

    The two countries, the statement underlined, have also agreed on the periodicity of the meetings of the political and security consultation panel that groups the ministers of foreign affairs and the heads of the security organs from the two countries, in a way to boost the coordination on issues of mutual concern ad to help resolve any concerns that might rise

    The two sides said they also agreed to hold the joint committee headed by the presidents of the two countries in Khartoum as the last one was held in Cairo, Egypt, in 2016.


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