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News and Press ReleasesSudanese Security Forces Using Live Bullets and Excessive Force Result
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Sudanese Security Forces Using Live Bullets and Excessive Force Result

09-26-2013, 03:55 AM
SudaneseOnline News

Sudanese Security Forces Using Live Bullets and Excessive Force Result

    Sudanese Security Forces Using Live Bullets and Excessive Force Results in the Death of More than Ten, the Arrest of Hundreds, and the Torture of Peaceful Demonstrators

    General Bashir, who is ruling Sudan by iron and blood for nearly 25 years and who commits genocide, war crimes and the killing of political detainees under torture, using more than 70% of the Sudanese national budget for war and less than 2% for education and health, whose policies have divided Sudan and continue to threaten its unity, a friend of Osama bin Laden and deeply involved with the different fanatical terrorist groups from Somalia to Mali and indoctrinating African youth (in the African Islamic University in Khartoum), which threatens the unity of many African countries.

    In the last five days, Sudanese youth, women, and people living in the residential areas of big cities, such as Khartoum, Wad Madani, Atbara, Kosti, and many others are witnessing peaceful demonstrations against the austerity measures by the Bashir government, which puts the burden on the poor and marginalized groups, at the time that the ruling party leaders are involved in huge corruption and embezzlement of public funds and repression measures against all those who are looking for democratization of the country and ending the wars.

    The campaign of the regime against the peaceful demonstrations using live bullets resulted in the death of more than ten demonstrators and most of them are from Wad Madani city in central Sudan and arresting hundreds among whom many were tortured. It is to be recalled that earlier the security forces have killed many peaceful demonstrators in Nyala city, the capital of South Darfur earlier this month. The SRF and the SPLM-N condemn the killing of peaceful demonstrators and urge the Sudanese people in Diaspora and the friends of Sudan, civil societies and democratic countries to condemn the Sudan government and urging them to stop killing, torturing and detaining peaceful demonstrators.

    The SRF and the SPLM-N are supporting a peaceful uprising in Sudan, which will open a way for a democratic peaceful settlement for war issues and building a new society that is based on equal citizenship and democracy. We have urged our supporters all over Sudan to participate effectively in the peaceful demonstrations.

    Yasir Arman
    Secretary General, SPLM-N
    Secretary of External Affairs, SRF
    September 25, 2013

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