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Sudanese Refugees assaulted at UNHCR office and detention

09-02-2014, 11:46 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudanese Refugees assaulted at UNHCR office and detention

    Wadah Mustafa Abdalla Gamma
    Man, 28 years, from Sudan/Darfur.
    Refugee registered at UNHCR Cairo office,Egypt.
    Has an obstruction in one of the legs, He did not get treatment, and he use stick in walking.

    From 29.08.14 morning Mr. Wadah Gamma has a meeting with UNHCR-Cairo office, but after a long hours, his friends know that he has been arrested from Eygptions authoroties , and put him in a detention at 6 October, with out any .
    His friends get to see hem nextday,they tooke him to a court, his face was swollend because of exposure to bodily harm particle during his detentions, and he did not eat during all these time.
    The fact that he was been assaulted, and severely beaten from the security at the UNHCR office in the evening of 29.08. The assaulted take place in side the UNHCR office, before they send him on open police Car to a detention at night, as SCCsd get to know today.
    No reply from the UNHCR, but the question here, and as it is known to all refugees, that to aware of a respect the UNHCR, and dealing peacefully with it is all employee is very important, but how it is understood that the UNHCR security could attack and beating a civilian person and injured hem? special the person are a refugee seeking a protections from UNHCR office? And the attack take place inside the UNHCR office !
    As it is understand , the UNHCR is has a high pressure because of many refugees with their difficult cases, and there are many refugees living in a bad situations caused to many of them frustrations severe psychological, but in all cases it is not acceptable to use violations from the UNHCR security against any one of refugees .
    It is waiting also from UNHCR office, working to release Mr. Wadah Gamma from the detention, and respect his right and dignity in order to solve his problem.
    Also it is important that UNHCR office to help Mr. Wadah Gamma by sent him to a doctor to get a medical treatment for his being wounded from the attacking.
    It is our duty to remain the UNHCR security guards, and the police and Egyptions National security, not and never use a violence against the refugees .
    In this time, SCCsd should have to mention the UNHCR in Cairo office, that the security had been accused many time for using a violence a gains many refugees, and between 2005-2011, maybe one person or more had lost his life inside the UNHCR office at 6 october,because of unjustified exercise violence by the security men. And continuously masking the crime .
    Here again and again, SCCsd ask the egyptian authorities to open an independent investigations conserning the violence against the refugees at the UNHCR office, in the same line with the refugees Massacre at Mostafa Mahmoud square on 31.12.2005, Which is not did justice to the victims, and was not held punishable the perpetrators. The Massacre has been and still is shocking human tragedy will not be erased from memory.
    SCCsd asking the organizations to contacts wihe UNHCR, Cairo office.

    Copy to :
    Sameh Shoukry, Egyption Minister of Foreign Affairs
    UNHCR, Cairo
    Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
    Human Rights Watch
    Amnesty International
    Collectif Urgence Darfour

    Sudan Contemporary Center
    SCCsd Cairo Office
    Monitoring Press Department

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