12-19-2014, 03:06 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Sudan calls on (UNSC) to cancel resolution 1593 which referred the Darfur file to ICC
December 19, 2014-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) called on the UN Security Council to cancel resolution no. (1593) regarding the referral of the Darfur dispute to o the International Criminal Court (ICC). NCP’s leadership bureau requested in its meeting which chaired by President Omar al-Bashir on Monday to return Darfur file to Sudanese judiciary which exercises now its mandate on all the crimes in Darfur or elsewhere in the country. In press statements after the meeting of NCP’s leadership bureau, NCP deputy chairman, Ibrahim Ghandour, said that the bureau listened to a report from Foreign Minister Ali Karti on the ICC Prosecutor's report on Sudan before UN Security Council. Ghandour stressed that the Court is a political court and called upon the Security Council to adhere to the standards in the decision and to return the file Sudanese judiciary. Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, said she was discontinuing her investigations in Darfur because of a lack of initiative by the UN Security Council (UNSC). "Given this council's lack of foresight on what should have happened in Darfur, I am left with no choice but to hibernate investigative activities in Darfur as I shift resources to other investigative cases," Bensouda said as she addressed the 15-member UNSC in a routine briefing. Bensouda told the Security Council there would be "little or nothing to report to you for the foreseeable future" unless the UN body took the initiative. The ICC has also charged, but failed to arrest, Defense Minister Abdel Raheem Muhammed Hussein, former Interior Minister Ahmed Haround, and Janjaweed militia leader Ali Kushayb for alleged war crimes that took place in Darfur since rebels took up arms against the Arab-led government in Khartoum in 2003. At least 300,000 people have been killed since then, and another 2 million have fled their homes.