Sudan Press Freedom Watch Issue #3
05:36 PM April, 19 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) Authority Violatios 96% Publishes Violatios 0% Other Violations 4% MAIN VIOLATIONS ANALYSIS Sudan Press Freedom Watch 1 st January – 31st March 2016 (issue# 3) Produced by the Sudanese Journalists Network (S.J.Net), Sudan Press Freedom Watch is a quarterly bulletin concerned with monitoring and reporting on the space and flux for press and media space in Sudan. The bulletin acts as an evidence base and is used to engage with policy and decision-makers to improve and expand the space for press freedom. Data and information is collected via information and communication technologies through a network of trusted correspondents from press freedom activists and journalists throughout the country. Information is also processed, verified, and analyzed through focus group discussions ` This report presents a summary on the space for press freedom, accompanied with charts and a listing of all incoming reports in relation to the space of media and press system for the period 2016 (1st January- 31st March) Summary of Press Freedom Space during this period There is no sign of improvement in press freedom during the first quarter of 2016, according to data received by the press freedom monitor. A total of 23 press freedom violations were reported during this period compared to 18 reported violations during the last quarter of 2015. These ongoing violations include summoning, interrogations, arrests, court proceedings and travel restrictions; majority of which were committed at the hands of National Security (10 violations out of the total violations reported). شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) Summoning /Interrogation 30% Arrest 10% Trial 25% Newspaper Confiscation 35% توزيع المواضيع الفرعية: Al -Tayar Newspaper was seized and shut down since early December 2015 and continues to be banned from publishing as its court case is still on-going. More cases of newspaper seizures by National Security were witnessed during this period; Al-Ayam, Al-Sudani and Al-Mostaqila newspapers were confiscated by security from their print houses after issues were printed, without given any official reason. Violators of press freedom have not been restricted to National Security, other governmental bodies appear to now have free reign to summon, interrogate and arrest journalist. As observed during this quarter, Traffic Police summoned and arrested Mr.Yasir Mahmoud Al-Bashir, journalist at El-Mostaqila newspaper twice regarding an article he published on corruption in the Traffic Police Forces. National Security Service 50% The Press and Printing Attorney 10% Attoreny General Office 5% The Press and Printing Court 20% Literary 5% Traffic Police 10% VIOLATORS ANALYSIS شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) Court proceedings against journalists and Editors in Chief continued during this period with many cases against journalist regarding the publishing of articles that are classified as ‘red-line’ topics. The hearing of Ms. Inam Adam (journalist) and Mr. Osman Mirghani (Editor in Chief) from El-Tyar newspaper was held regarding two claims made against them following the publishing of two articles on radioactive waste in October, 2015. During this quarter, a number of journalists were summoned and interrogated (8 reported cases) by security regarding articles they published, representing an unprecedented and increasing escalation of violations towards press freedom. Mr. Abdul Azim Saleh, Editor in Chief, and Ms. Nasra Abdelrahman, journalist at Akhir Lahza newspaper were both summoned and interrogated regarding a published article on the activities of the Boko Haram group in Sudan. Travel restrictions and the illegal withholding of travel documents against journalist were also witnessed during this quarter. Mr. Faisal Mohamd Salih was prevented from traveling to London by security at Khartoum International Airport; his passport was confiscated and informed that his name is on the Travel Ban List. Reports of violations this period included violations against TV and Radio Channels, TV programs continue to be subject to censorship and review before broadcasting. National Security summoned and interrogated Mr. Mojahid Abdalla, (Program Producer) at Omdurman TV Channel, regarding a program concerning DAL and Kajbar Dam, and ordered producers from Omdurman TV to provide a weekly report on each program to be reviewed before broadcasting. The space of press freedom in Sudan is constantly affected by government views on certain issues, the list of ‘off-limit’ topics rise according to the country situation, any opposing views with the government position will be subject to violation. At the same time, journalists are ordered to write positively on topics concerning government’s plans or policies (the National Dialogue, the Darfur Referendum and the Nubian Dams Constructions). Government international relations also has an effect on the space of press freedom, as an example Raad AlShmal and Saudi Packages Storm were among the redlines topics during this period. The space for press freedom is expected to narrow further with the introduction of the new Press and Printing Law, expected to pass in mid-April, 2016. This law will contain articles that monitor both print and electronic newspapers as well as publishing articles on social media. Moreover, the new law contains a specific article to prevent any printing operation without Government approval. The implementation of this law will curtail press freedom and reflects the worsening social and political situation in the country. Summary of incoming reports This is a summary of all reports for the press freedom DMS system during the period January 1 to March 31, 2016. شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) Authority Violations Date Reported Violation Category: Summoning /Interrogation 2/2/2016 National Security summoned and interrogated Mr. Mojahid Abdalla, (Program Producer), Mr. Esam El Sayegh (Program Director) and Mr. Osman Kojali (Channel Director) at Omdurman TV Channel, regarding a Program concerning DAL and Kajbar Dam. Security ordered that the channel provide a weekly report with all program content as well as the names of all the guests set to appear on the program to be reviewed before broadcasting. 11/2/2016 Khartoum State Security Attorney summoned and interrogated Mr. Abdul Azim Saleh, Editor in Chief, and Ms. Nasra Abdelrahman, journalist at Akhir Lahza newspaper crimes division, regarding a published article on the activities of Boko Haram group in Sudan. Both have been released. 1/3/2016 National Security summoned and interrogated Ms. Rokaya Al Zaki, journalist at AlRay Al-Aam newspaper after publishing an article on financial corruption related to the Union of Workers in parliament. 1/3/2016 A warrant was issued against Mr. Zine El-Abidine Ajab, the former editor of ElMostaqila newspaper after the publishing of two reports, one concerning Sudan providing “ISIS "with fighters, and the other regarding funding received from Qatar to Khartoum and Addis Ababa to deprive Egypt. Following the warrant, Khartoum Press and Publications Attorney interrogated and later released Mr. Zine El-Abidine Ajab, regarding the two claims reported against him by NISS. 1/3/2016 Traffic Police interrogated Mr.Yasir Mahmoud Al-Bashir, journalist at El-Mostaqila newspaper, regarding an article he published March 1, 2016 on corruption in the traffic police forces. Mr. Yasir was ordered to come to Traffic Police Headquarters in Khartoum and released after hours of interrogation. 9/3/2016 Traffic Police ordered Mr. Yasir Mahmoud Al-Bashir, journalist at El-Mostaqila newspaper to come to Traffic Police Headquarters in Khartoum for the second time. A warrant was issued after publishing an article on corruption in the traffic police forces. He was questioned again and later released. Category: Arrest شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) 3/2/2016 National Security arrested and interrogated journalist Ms. Amal Habani, during a protest against the Human Rights Violations in Darfur. Ms.Amal was taken to the premises of National Security in Khartoum, Bahri and released after several hours of questioning. The protest was organized by the Solidarity of Sudanese Women Alliance and the Committee for Solidarity with the Families of Martyrs. 14/3/2016 National Security summoned and interrogated Mr. Elias Fatih El-Rahman, Founder/ Manager of Madarik House for publishing and distribution, regarding the activities of the Print House. Mr. Elias is still under investigation. Category: Trial 18/2/2016 Press and Printing Court held a hearing of Mr. Ayoub Siliak , journalist at Sawt Elfalah newspaper regarding the claim against him made by the Agricultural Bank Director, Mr. Salah Hassan Ahmed after publishing an article about corruption in the bank. 21 /2/2016 Press and Printing Court held the hearing of the case against Mr. Haidar Khairallah (journalist) along with Mr. Ashraf Abdel-Aziz (Editor in Chief) at Eljareeda newspaper regarding a claim made against them by Blue Nile TV (on behalf of one of its companies), in reference to an article published on corruption in the Ministry of Justice. The next hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 21 /2/2016 Press and Printing Court held a hearing of journalist Ms. Inam Adam and Editor in Chief, Mr.Osman Mirghani from El-Tyar newspapers, regarding two claims against them made by the Minister of Communications and Science, Ms. Tahani Aballah in reference to two articles about the radioactive container they published on El-Tyar newspaper on Thursday, October 1, 2015. The next hearing was scheduled for Sunday, March 6, 2016 and later postponed until 22nd March. It was again postponed to the 28th April due to the absence of the complainant. 2/3/2016 Press and Printing Court (Intellectual Property Court) held a hearing of Ms. Heba Abdel Azim, journalist at Al-Sudani newspaper regarding publishing an article on financial corruption of governmental officials in the Ministry of Social Welfare. 31/3/2016 Press and Printing Court Attorney summoned and interrogated Mr. Madiha Abdallha (Editor in Chief) and Mr. Mohamed Elfatih (journalist) at El-Mydan newspaper regarding an article published on 13th March, 2016 about corruption in the distribution of land in the Halifaya area, Khartoum North. Interrogations lasted two hours, and both Mr. Madiha and Mr. Mohamed were charged with the publication of false news and defamation of the Criminal Code, as well as Article 24 of the Press and Publications Law (Liability of Chief Editor). Category: Newspaper Confiscation 2 /2/2016 Al-Tyar newspaper was seized by security and shutdown since early December 2015. According to Mr. Osman Murgani,Al-Tyar, Editor in Chief, the case is still in the constitutional court. شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) 27/3/2016 National Security seized printed issues of the El-Ayam newspaper on March 27, 2016 at 2:00 am. The management of the newspaper was ordered not to distribute the printed issue without providing any official reason for the raid. 14/3/2016 National Security arrested the Director of Madarik House for publishing and distribution in Khartoum and confiscated a numbers of books, documents and computers from the print house. The Director was released after hours of questioning regarding the Print House activities. Property belonging to the Print House is still being held by security. 17/2/2016 Al-Tyar newspaper is still prohibited from publishing since security seized and shutdown the newspaper in December 15, 2015, following the printing of an issue which included an article critiquing the government’s plan to raise subsidies on fuel, electricity and wheat. 26/2/2016 National Security confiscated the book entitled ‘Biet El-Ankboot’ by author Fatthi Eldaw from Bahri Market. A number of booksellers at the market were arrested for selling the book and websites displaying the book have been blocked. The book public has been banned from the public since its release last month. 15 /3/2016 National Security seized all copies of Al-Sudani newspaper issue of Tuesday, March 15, 2016 from the Al-Sudani Printing House without given any official reason. According to journalist sources, it is suspected that the raid was related to an article published about water contamination in Khartoum State. 27/3/2016 National Security seized print runs of Al-Mostaqila newspaper on 27th March, 2016 and ordered management of the newspaper not to distribute the printed issue without giving any official reason. Other 2/2/2016 Security authorities verbally and physically assaulted Ms. Amani Khamis, journalist at El-yom El-Tali newspaper outside the International Khartoum Fair. 8/2/2016 An official from the radio station Kndtekar a Nubian station based in Egypt stated that the station is no longer broadcasted in Sudan. It is suspected that Sudanese authorities banned the radio broadcast after the station opposed the construction of dams as it is the voice of the local Committee Against the Construction of Dams. شبكة الصحفيين ال ُسودانيين SUDANESE JOURNALIST NETWORK (S.J.Net) 25/3/2016 National Security prevented journalist, Mr. .Faisal Mohammed Saleh from traveling to London to attend a discussion on the book entitled ‘Sudan’s Road to the Future’ by Kamal Idriss at Khartoum Airport. His passport was confiscated and he was informed that his name was on the Travel Ban List. Mr. Faisal was asked to meet with NISS Chief on Saturday 27 March, 2016 to fill a form to reclaim his passport and to clarify reasons behind why he was stopped from travelling. He was asked to follow up on the procedure. Publishers Violations Date Reported Violation Administrative Suspension/ Dismissal N/A Established in 2009; The Sudanese Journalists Network (S.J.Net.) is a voluntary body that has a union spirit. It aims to protect press freedom and freedom of expression. The network also works to defend the rights of journalists and aims to enhance the working environment, build journalists capacity, and uniting the journalist’s platform to face the sector issues, enhance the journalists profiling in the society, as well as engaging with the regional and international community. For any enquiries about this report or for information on how to become a member of the
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