09-18-2017, 11:59 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Sudan Affirms Commitment to International Agreements and Treaties in Field of Atomic Energy
11:59 PM September, 19 2017 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, Sept. 18 (SUNA) The Minister of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity Mu'taz Mussa Abdulla stressed the importance of the role played by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), via its various programs in support of peace and development through the expanding of the peaceful uses of atomic energy. During his delivery to the Sudan's statement to the 61st session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, the minister said that the Sudan is committed to implementing the Agency's programs through hosting its regional and international activities, in addition to its full commitment to the relevant conventions and treaties. He pointed out to the great development the Sudan is witnessing in both the legislative and regulatory levels, represented in the approval of the draft law on control of nuclear and radiological activities by the National Council, and followed by the formation of technical committees to formulate and update the regulations of nuclear and radiation safety and security, praising the support of the (IAEA) for Sudan in the field of building of the Human and physical capabilities of the National Nuclear and Radiological Control System. He noted to the Sudan continued efforts to develop elements of infrastructure for the implementation of its nuclear program by starting the construction of the first nuclear plant after the completion of preliminary surveys to determine the location and the start of work on the confirmation and detailed studies plans by the end of 2017. The minister pointed to the signing of memorandums of understanding and agreements with China and Russia in the framework of developing relations, especially that they possess safe nuclear technology. In his statement, he indicated that in framework of cooperation with the (IAEA) and the concern with the food security, that the Sudan has drafted a national project with the Technical Cooperation Department of the (IAEA) to establish a security reference food laboratory, in order to measure the residues of pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics in animal products and plants, in which Sudan shares 80% of the establishment value. the Minister of Water Resources has led the Sudan's delegation to the IAEA conference, accompanied by Sudan's ambassador Austria, Ambassador Mohamed Hussein Zarroug, Professor Abdul EIlah Musa, the Director General of the Sudanese Atomic Energy Authority, Dr. Mohamed El Hassan Abou Azenien, the Secretary General of the National authority for the Radiological and Nuclear Control , and Engineer, Nasser Ahmed al-Mustafa the Director of the General Directorate of Nuclear Generation of the Ministry of Water Resources. ta