10-08-2014, 07:56 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudan’s reformists pick alternative name for their newly-established party

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Ghazi Salah-Eddin Ghazi Salah-Eddin SudaneseOnline: سودانيزاونلاين Sudan’s reformists pick alternative name for their newly-established party
The reformist group, which has recently split from the ruling National Congress party in Sudan, said that it has abandoned Reform and Renaissance as the name of their newly established party and chose, instead, Harakat Al-Islah Alan “ Movement of Reform Now” as the title of party instead of Party of after objection form Alsa’ehoon, another Islamic group.
Leader of the reform group, Dr. Ghazi Salah-Eddin, said in a statement on Tuesday that they have voluntarily waived the reform and renaissance name for the movement of reform now so as not disseminate division and disunity in the Sudanese political community after Alsa’ehoon group showed determination toward its right in name, saying they have respect for this group.
Dr. Salah-Eddin affirmed selection of alternative name, which is the Movement of Reform Now with the view of completing the process of putting forward the documents prior to the official registration of the party after deliberation among the participants. He added that the foundation conference of the party has the right, during the convocation of its first session three months from the registration period, to maintain this name or change based on the public consultation of the inaugural session of the general assembly of the party.
Following last September’s protests against the lifting of subsidies on fuels, leaders from the ruling party known as the reformist group submitted a memo to the Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir urging reforms in the party and government, and requesting bringing those involved in the killing of the demonstrators to justice.