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News and Press ReleasesSudan’s al-Turabi ends his differences with the political forces, including the ruling party: PCP
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Sudan’s al-Turabi ends his differences with the political forces, including the ruling party: PCP

11-02-2014, 11:47 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan’s al-Turabi ends his differences with the political forces, including the ruling party: PCP

    SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) has stressed that its General Secretary Dr. Hassan al-Turabi has ended all disagreements with the political forces, including the ruling National Congress party (NCP), pointing out that there is no conflicts between al-Turabi and the former first Vice President Ali Osman Mohammed Taha

    In statements to Al-Rai Al-A’am newspaper, PCP political Secretary, Kamal Omar said that differences between al-Turabi and Taha focused only in political thought and his participation in power, ruling out that the meeting between the two parties touched on political issues, describing al-Turabi handshaking for Taha as good thing
    Omer stressed that the country's crisis does not tolerate political and personal differences, mocking the idea that al-Turabi may be become the speaker of Sudan’s National Assembly, saying “Al-Turabi is bigger that to be the parliament Speaker”
    PCP political Secretary revealed that al-Turabi is conducting many dialogues with the different parties to solve the crises of the country, stressing that there is no other option for the opposition but dialogue launched by president Omer Al-Bashir last January.
    “Any choice rather than dialogue will be worse” he confirmed
    He stressed that the dialogue will move on to a new phase that requires a new honest intention.
    Opposition parties casted doubts on the seriousness of an initiative he launched last January for a national conference including opposition and rebel groups to end war and agree on democratic reforms.
    Since, the slow progress in the dialogue process, the government willfulness to implement confidence building measures and its rejection to postpone the elections of next year, all these reasons pushed to believe that the regime is maneuvering to divide the opposition and ensure its continuity in power.

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