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Sudan, IGAD sign understanding memo in development action field
10-21-2016, 06:11 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
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Sudan, IGAD sign understanding memo in development action field
05:11 PM October, 21 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, Oct. 20 (SUNA) - The Government of Sudan represented by the Ministry of International Cooperation and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) signed Thursday at Corinthia Hotel a memorandum of understanding on implementation of a number of agreements on development action in the field of infrastructure projects, capacity building and the environment as part of the funds allocated by the European Union (EU) for the regional integration projects in Africa. The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Kamal Hassan Ali signed on behalf of Sudan while the IGAD Executive Secretary Mahaboub Moalim signed for his organization. The Minister of International Cooperation praised, during his address to the signing ceremony, the great role IGAD played in Sudan, referring to its previous role in the domain of peace, security and sponsorship of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in Sudan, lauding its current role in supporting development projects in Sudan, which have been agreed upon during the technical meetings between the two sides. Dr. Ali pointed out to a number of projects, which have been agreed upon including the electricity network connection between Sudan and Ethiopia, the railway as one of the IGAD regional integration project funded by the European Union and capacity building at the Ministry of International Cooperation and the ministries specialized in the areas of international cooperation and development cooperation. The minister called for reactivation of all agreements in the field of cooperation, particularly in development aid, praising the European Union for providing resources for IGAD through the regional integration projects, revealing that Sudan will extend a model for Africa in the context of development projects. For his part, the IGAD Executive Secretary pledged to cooperate with Sudan in a number of areas which it needs including infrastructure, migration, and capacity building, describing the meetings with the Sudanese side as fruitful, stressing continuity in coordination and cooperation in supporting development projects in Sudan. BH/BH
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