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News and Press ReleasesSudan's president stresses his country's keenness in the stability and
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Sudan's president stresses his country's keenness in the stability and

09-23-2013, 08:41 PM
SudaneseOnline News

Sudan's president stresses his country's keenness in the stability and

    Sudan's president stresses his country's keenness in the stability and security of Egypt
    Khartoum- Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, has confirmed his country's keenness and interest in the stability and security of Egypt, noting that the Egyptian people alone is capable of resolving issues and achieve its fate.
    Al-Bashir renewed emphasis on non-interference in the internal affairs of Egypt, and Egypt does not interfere in Sudan's internal affairs, adding that communication continues with Egypt and Sudan's government is constantly continuing to communicate and maintain it.
    At a news conference held on Sunday, Sudan's president featured political, security and economic work for his country during the next phase, which is based on several key areas, including security, stability, eliminate tribal conflict across Sudan in the next year 2014, the comprehensive national reconciliation of all political forces, a new Constitution for the country and implementation of a package of economic reforms to improve the standard of living of citizens.
    He said that the overall security of the country will be done by participation of all political forces, stressing that the government will follow the military action against those who reject the communication solution.
    He confirmed that the State is seeking to achieve the national concord on all national issues, adding that they want to create political consensus with all forces on the political scene

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