StopRapeNow Rally at front of UN head Quarter IN NY
 International day for elimination of violence against women #StopRapeNow Rally at front of UN head Quarter IN NY Tuesday, 25 November 2014 from 1-4 PM Dag Hammarskjold Plaza on East 47TH Street, between 1ST & 2ND Aves On 31 October 2014 , the Sudanese Government troops committed mass rape in Tabit, North Darfur. UNAMID failed to conduct fact-finding investigation into the rape of 200 woman and girls. the rally calls for neutral investigation, protection and medical treatment for the victims, and UNAMID reform, hold GoS accountable for this crime. Rally sponsored by Darfur People's Association of New York and cosponsored by Nuba Mountain international Association, Sudanese Opposition Forces In USA, Act for Sudan, People4Sudan For more information contact: Mohamed Anoo :260-8042178 Mohamed Ebaed: 718-4151970 Magid Kabashi: 347-5795111