Stop Genocide and Rape in Darfur..Campaign Sudan Liberation Movement/Army Report Number (4)
07:28 PM Feb, 08 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL Pursuance to its noble objective and campaign of stopping genocide and rape in Darfur, as well as stopping all wars of Sudan, the ardent supporters of Sudan Liberation Movement/Army chaired by Abdul Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Al-Nour, inside Sudan, diaspora and in IDPs and Refugees camps are continuing their protests. In a time the International Community had totally turned its back to the ongoing genocide and rape in Darfur, especially in Jebel Marra. However; the last few days had witnessed Nation-wide demonstrations in Diaspora, different Sudanese universities and in IDPs camps as follows:- 1- On 3th of February 2016, tens of thousands IDPs from Kabkabiyya locality of North Darfur demonstrated to stop the ongoing genocide and rape in Jebel Marra, they further deplored Khartoum’s crimes in Nuba Mountain and the Blue Nile and demanded that; perpetrators of genocide, war crimes and human rights violations must brought to Justice in the ICC. 2- On 4th of February 2016, thousands of Sudanese protested in State of Israel, the protestors roamed streets of Tel Aviv city calling for, putting an end to unabated genocide and rape in Darfur, taking culprits of genocide to justice, moreover; they requested the International Community, especially the UNSC and super -powers to fulfill its obligations towards the innocent civilians of Darfur and do everything in their power to stop genocide and Rape in Darfur and Wars of Sudan. The Sudanese protestors whom at the end, submitted a memo to the office of U.N in Tel Aviv, found great solace from the Jewish communities in State of Israel as they themselves survivors of the holocaust. 3- On Friday, 5th of February 2016, hundreds of thousands IDPs from Zalingei camps (Al-Hamideia, Hissahissa and Khmsa-daqeiq) protested; in an overwhelming support to the campaign of stopping genocide and rape in Darfur. Chanting and yelling with banners to stop the scorched-earth policy and rape in Jebel Marra and appealing the International Community to protect disarmed IDPs and innocent civilians of Darfur from aerial bombardment, mass rape and Janjaweed and Khartoum regime militia’s attacks. In addition to provide the IDPs and refugees of Darfur in their death camps with food, medicine, water and shelter. Finally, the peaceful protestors renewed their oath of allegiance and eternal commitment to Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and to what is standing for always shouting “We stand, One Nation…..One Army…. Behind SLM/A’s leader Abdul Wahid” and then submitted a memo to representative of U.N and the UNAMID in Zalingei inked with their demands. 4- On Saturday, 6th of February 2016, hundreds of SLM/A loyalists marched in peaceful protest in Paris, supporting “stop genocide and rape in Darfur” campaign. The protestors not only condemned the ongoing scorched-earth policy in Jebel Marra and attacks of Al-Geneina, but also deplored Khartoum’s heinous crimes in Nuba Mountain, the Blue Nile and crimes of relocating of Nubian people of Sudan and tearing apart their social fabric through constructing of Dams. Be sides appealing the International Community to put pressure on Khartoum to end its Humanitarian blockage on Jebel Marra in order to rescue millions of live there. 5- On 7th of February 2016, thousands of IDPs protested in Mornei IDP camp of western Darfur, demanding that, Khartoum’s regime and its militias stop the ongoing aggression against innocent civilians of Jebel Marra and appeal the world community to pressurize Khartoum allow unconditional return of International NGOs expelled in March 2009, entrusted with live of millions of people in Darfur and Sudan. 6- On 7th of February 2016, as well hundreds of Thousands IDPs protested in renowned Kalma IDP camp of Southern Darfur, chanting with loudspeakers and raising banners like “No to ethnic cleansing in Darfur”, “ No to raping of women in Darfur”, “ Yes to taking culprits of genocide to ICC”, “ we deserve the right to live in our motherland”, “ Abdul Wahid is right”, “ No, No to the aerial bombardment in Jebel Marra “, “No ,No to carrying out a referendum in Jebel Marra” and so forth. The protestors of Kalam reiterated their firm standing behind what Sudan Liberation Movement/Army strife for and that, they fully mandated SLM/A’s chairman Abdul Wahid to stand on their behalf. The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army seizes this opportunity to renew its call to, political parties of Sudan, students and youth groups, women groups, civil society organizations, workers and professionally, and generally the entire Sudanese masses to unite and protest in order to stop the ongoing genocide in Darfur and wars in Sudan, take perpetrators of the genocide regime of Khartoum to justice and eventually establish a secular, liberal , democratic and united Sudan with equal citizenship rights.
The Committee of Media and Political Campaign 7th of February 2016.
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