Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on Darfur
The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the escalation of violence and its effect on civilians in Darfur. Since late February, fighting between rebel groups and local militia in South Darfur has left thousands of people homeless, with reports of #####ng and villages burnt. In North Darfur, over the past few days, thousands of people have fled inter-communal fighting and sought protection at the African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) camp in Saraf Umra. UNAMID is doing everything it can to support the settlement of these conflicts, protect civilians and support humanitarian partners in providing assistance to those in need. The Secretary-General urges all parties to immediately cease hostilities and negotiate a peaceful settlement to these conflicts. He calls on the Government of Sudan and warring parties to cooperate with UNAMID and humanitarian partners in providing access to conflict areas and ensure the protection of civilians, as well as the provision of assistance to those in need. New York, 10 March 2014 **********************************************