04-13-2014, 02:59 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Size of plastic wastes reaches 700.000 tons
Khartoum-The Higher Council for Environment and Urban Promotion has announced that the size of the plastic wastes in the country have reached 700 thousand tons a year. Head of the Planning and Research at the Council said in the forum, organized by the Sudanese Consumer Protection Society on the environment industries (plastic industries as a model) that 280.000 tons of these wastes are plastic bags, adding that 50% of them are being burned a matter that lead to population of toxic gas, and to deterioration of agricultural soil if the wastes are buried. He called for raising the environment awareness of the citizens, stressing the necessity of benefiting from the waters of the plastic industries through recycling because, in this case, it will make financial gains not less than 250 million pounds a year. Hamid said that this sum, according to the studies made in this regard, could move 25.000 Sudanese families out of poverty cycle. He stated that the ordinary plastic decomposes after 300 years while the bio plastic decomposes within a year, calling for amending the production lines in factories to produce bio plastic. He pointed out that the plastic bags have nothing to do with the cancerous diseases, attributing the causes of diseases to the additives such as colors.