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Sit-in in front of the Italian Parliament and Petition Contesting the

10-25-2013, 06:17 PM
SudaneseOnline News

Sit-in in front of the Italian Parliament and Petition Contesting the

    For immediate Press Release:
    Sit-in in front of the Italian Parliament and Petition Contesting the Regime of Sudan hand delivered to the Italian Government and Representatives of the UN and International Community in Italy
    Mohamed Yassin,
    Italy, Rome, 2013-10-25
    Citizens of Republic of Sudan in the Diaspora Sudanese, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Italo-Sudanese Associations, Italian friends and Immanent Individuals worldwide, Have hand delivered a petition to the Italian Parliament on 24th of October 2013. The Petition is opened for signature and will remain open till the date of the hearing proposed by the Italian Parliament Members who welcomed and collected the Petition. The Petitioners were welcome by the deputies from the different Italian Political Parties. Worth to mention the welcoming of the 5 Stars Movement (Honourables Alessandro Di Battista and Emanuele Scagliusi of the Commission of community and Foreign Affairs), and the Democratic Party (Honourable Lia Quartapelle of Foreign Affairs Committee and Cultural Affairs Committee together with the President of Human Rights Committee Honourable Mario Marazziti and coordination by the Honourable Jean Leonard Touadi of the Democratic Party and Dr. Antonella Napoli from the Italian Senate Communication and President of Italians for Darfur. Father Renato Kizito has coordinated for the CSOs and NGOs, and Mr. Renato Scarola has coordinated for the Italian Solidarity Citizens with the Peoples of Sudan.
    The Petitioners representatives also took samples of the shocking killings occurring in Sudan, the parliamentary who saw that photos has expressed their deep solidarity, support and wish to find a comprehensive peaceful solution for all the Sudanese. The promised to find out facts and call for parliamentary hearing on Sudan very soon. The petitioners mentioned that they do not want to be represented by those who deliberatively kills them and their co-citizens in all the Parts of Sudan starting from Darfur, passing by the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, Crossing the Blue Nile and going to the East to the Red Sea Regions, coming to the Far Marginalized Northern Nubia in Sudan and ending in the Central Parts of Sudan and its current Capital.
    The protesters complained about the recent reception of “Sudanese Minister of Foreign affairs, Minister of Agriculture among other ministers by some of the Italian investors to establish a bridge between Africa and the Mediterranean. They mentioned that we can not accept a bridge under which running blood of victims and innocents and showed some examples of the bloody photos of victims coming from all the regions of Sudan. They complained that the support of the Italian Government and Aid which is collected from Citizens and Tax-payers should not be diverted by the Regime of Sudan which is buying pullets to shoot the pacific protesters, instead of delivering services and guarantee the fundamental human rights. The Italian and Worldwide Tourists who were visiting the beautiful Rome were shocked to see protesters in front in the historic “Obelisk” column claiming stopping bloody regime assisted by some Italian
    The petition was addressed to
    The honourable Members of the Italian Parliament and for knowledge of the President of the Italian Republic HE. Giorgio Napolitano, H.E. Enrico Letta, President of Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, HH.EE. Members Senate in the Senate of the Italian Republic, HE. Emma Bonino, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic, and above all to the Respectable Italian and EU Citizens. Copy of the petition also will reach the UN Italy-based Organizations, CSOs and NGOs Italy-based Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations.
    The full Text of the Petition

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