06-01-2016, 04:47 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Second Meeting of Sudanese - Qatari Antiquities Project Held in Doha
05:47 PM June, 01 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Doha, May 31 (SUNA) - The joint committee of the Sudanese - Qatari antiquities project has held its second meeting in the Qatari capital, Doha, co-chaired by the Minister of Investment, Muddathir Abdul-Ghani, and the Deputy Executive President of the Qatari Museums and Advisor of the Board of Trustees, Mansour bin Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud. Meanwhile, Muddathir Abdul-Ghani has expressed thanks to the Qatari leadership over its stances in supporting Sudan at all domains, especially in the antiquities field in Nahral-Neil and the Northern States. He indicated that the Sudanese - Qatari antiquities' project provides funding for 40 discovery missions which are carrying out antiquity discovery and rehabilitation works. Abdul-Ghani said that the project is being implemented in an excellent way and according to the plan set in this regard. The Deputy Executive President of the Qatari Museums and Advisor of the Board of Trustees, Mansour bin Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud, said that the fruits of the Sudanese - Qatari antiquities project will appear evidently after three years, referring to important discoveries at a number of areas. He affirmed the concern of the State of Qatar with implementation of the Sudanese - Qatari antiquities' project. The second meeting of the joint committee of the Sudanese - Qatari antiquities' project has heard a detailed report presented by the General Coordinator of the project, Dr. Salah Mohamed Ahmed, on implementation of the project and the plan to implement the remaining part of the project. Topics related to the subject or the author
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