Three children died this week after being stung by scorpions in Abuhamid Locality in Sudan’s River Nile state.
Mohammed Nazir, a relative of one of the children, told Radio Dabanga that this is not an uncommon occurrence. He says that ‘dozens’ of children have died as there is no anti-venom available in the area.
He appealed to the authorities to send a supply of scorpion anti-venom to health centres in the state, to avoid the repeated of the death of children.
The deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus, meaning five-striped smooth-tail) is common in desert and scrubland areas across North Africa and the Middle East. It is regarded as the most dangerous species of scorpion with venom containing a nasty mixture of neurotoxins. It is so prolific in Sudan that it is often commony referrred to as the Omdurman scorpion.
While a deathstalker sting is very painful, it will not normally kill a healthy adult, but can be fatal to children and the elderly.