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News and Press ReleasesSPLM Youth League Chapter in Egypt had successfully concluded the commemoration of 15-Dec-2013
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SPLM Youth League Chapter in Egypt had successfully concluded the commemoration of 15-Dec-2013

12-16-2014, 10:49 PM
Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
<aSirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
Registered: 08-05-2014
Total Posts: 42

SPLM Youth League Chapter in Egypt had successfully concluded the commemoration of 15-Dec-2013

    Press release
    By: Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut,
    On Behave of the SPLM/YL Chapter in Egypt I would love to congratulate the demonstrators, Widows, Widowers, Orphans and the entire survivors of 15-Dec-Genocide in Juba. Without forgetting those who also turned up for the evening memorial prayers.
    It was good decision for all of us to bring to the attention of all South Sudanese and international community the enormity of the crimes against humanity, the despicable carnage, the pogroms, the ethnic cleansing going on in south Sudan today.
    I would also thanks the Egyptian government who humbly shows their sympathy on our situation during our demonstration. May they always keep that spirit of humanity in their hearts?
    As you are reading this, the massacre is on-going with outrageous ferocity and wicked intent aimed at wiping the Nuer off the face of the earth. We continue seeing our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters in thousands every week, and every month.
    We have watched our daughters and wives publicly molested and butchered, pregnant women’s stomach cut open and the feotus removed and killed, bosom feeding mothers have their bosom cut off and allowed to bleed to death. Hundreds have been burnt alive, and the world is silent.
    Innocent and law abiding citizen whose only crimes have been their ethnicity on tribal basis continue to die and face the threat of extinction every day. Rather than bringing us peace and security, the silent support of some international bodies has increased the advantage of our oppressors over us.
    Today our persecutors are Dinka tribe who are leading the current” Hukuma Kuchum -el-Bet” loosely translated as ” Government of self-services base on one ethnicity”.
    One common theme in south Sudan since 15/12/2013 is that Nuer life is not sacred; almost nobody is even brought to book for the spilling of innocent Nuer life. Nuer murderers operate with impunity and event enjoy tacit support of the south Sudan government. In the market places, in the streets, the blood of the Nuer are spilled every month.
    How long shall the world remain silent in the face of continued injustice?
    We don’t usually think of history as being shaped by silence, but as the renowned English philosopher Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing.” We live in a world plague by dictatorship today. That evil dictator has made its way to south Sudan and the Nuer are the primary victims. It is time for the International community to get up, say enough is enough, and crush this dictator.
    The tribes in south Sudan are seemingly complicit with the dictator groups, because they have not shown the will to combat and destroy it. Rather they have made deals with the dictators groups in the past, and offered collaboration to this terrorist organization.
    Must the world watch in silence?
    I plead for you to come to our aid now lest we perished. Nuer are on the verge of being extinct, and we have no support in south Sudan. The Nuer story greatly parallels the Jews experiences, we are very industrious, religious and live in migrant communities. As a result of our commercial success. We are despised and mistreated by the host communities. This hatred has led to taunt, discrimination, pogroms, ethnic cleansing and civil war in which the rest of Sudanese ganged up to subjugate the Nuer. Politicians from other ethnic groups have used anti-Nuer sentiments to whip up support for themselves, and get their people to commit dastardly act of violence against Nuer. Just like the Jews we have suffered enough today we say enough is enough.
    We, the members of “SPLM YOUTH LEAGUE” a network of South Sudanese youths representing Egypt wish through this medium to bring to your attention the horror, and state of fear we have now and still bear for more than 11 months.
    The people of south Sudan always and consistently turns a blind eye to the injustice and continues violence meted out against Nuer. The government controlled print and electronic media refuses to publish or at best under reports the horrific fun of blood-letting going on in the country as carried out by the Dinka against primarily Nuer.
    Today as these horrendous massacre persist, the dictatorial government or regime is busy with the issue of oil subsidy while a section of the country perished. The world press focuses on oil while human blood, the blood of the Nuer wet the streets of Juba, Malakal, Bor, Bentiu and the all four states of Bhar el ghazal.
    HISTORY OF MASSACRE.(city/town)
    Juba massacre-16-17`18 December 2014 ( Gudele, 107 Block, New site and Khor william residential area Manga teen, logo-logo and Gumbo)
    Bor Massacre ( UNMISS BASE)
    Leer- killing if chiefs
    Mafel military infantry training massacre
    Pochalla Random killing of defectors families
    Ger-ger killing of 300 women and children
    Mathiang killing of civilian with poisonous foods;

    And the list goes on. By the time you read this more would have died. The situation is getting out of hand and the south Sudan government has shown that it lacks the will and the capability to protect the life and the properties of Nuer people who are still serving with them in the same government.
    The government of Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit has tried relentlessly to undermine the premeditated, consistent, calculated ethnic cleansing as war of power hunger between Dr.Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon and the government this has been the attitude of the government who through its unjust structural policies has continued in her agenda to punish the Nuer. The Nuer are now both politically and ethnically endangered species in south Sudan. Once a vibrant powerful ethnic group in south Sudan.
    The Nuer will be a minority in the new geopolitical structure of south Sudan. We cannot continue to watch as the security situation in south Sudan continues to deteriorate. South Sudan is a strategic young nation of the eastern Africa. The world must act now to avoid another civil war in the style of Rwanda and Khartoum. Now is the time to act before the anger of the youths in the UN camps as vindictive as they will take matters in to their own hands.
    Today by writing to you, I am voicing to pursue a peaceful resolution of this carnage.
    The Nuer are asking for the international community and the UN to intervene.
    We want federalism, supervised by I GAD and the international community for the people to choose for themselves if they want to be a part of the current leadership or joint another healthy party.
    We demand federalism where each state protect their citizenry from further slaughter. Since their lives and properties are not granted by the south Sudan government.
    Cde. Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
    Chairman of SPLM/YL in Cairo
    The Author is famous writer on South Sudanese Issues and He is the Chairman of SPLM/YL chapter in Egypt. He can be reached at mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com

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