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SPLM-N claims to repel government forces in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains

05-15-2014, 03:08 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

SPLM-N claims to repel government forces in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains



    14 May

    .) -

    The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) announced that it destroyed two military convoys in South Kordofan, one on Thursday, and another convoy on Sunday. Fighting has continued today.

    Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, the spokesman for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), under the umbrella of the Sudan Revolutionary Front, announced in a press release today (Wednesday), that the rebel forces managed to destroy a military convoy in South Kordofan on Thursday. The government forces tried to occupy the village of Sabat, near Dalami town in Habila locality, when they were defeated by SPLM-N troops. “The convoy’s commander, Col. Osman Abdel Munim, ID No. 170220 of the 171th Battalion, was killed.”

    On Sunday, another military convoy attempted to occupy Tumna village in the same area. The SPLM-N fighters inflicted heavy casualties to the convoy troops, who fled, leaving behind the bodies of “Sgt. Engineer Atef Abdallah Ali, Mustafa El Amin Mohamed, LCpl. Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim, LCpl. Zen Elabdin Soleiman, LCpl. Amin Kua El Nur, Pvt. Saeed Ahmed Haroun, Hafiz Abdel Gadir Hussein, Pvt. Najmeldin Mohamed Ramadan, Pvt. Seifeldin El Fateh Mohamed, and Pvt. Amin Siddig El Nur.”

    “Today, government troops are attacking Werne and Kau-nyaro. The fighting is still going on, with the SPLM-N forces in a strong position, in order to protect the civilians,” the spokesman added.

    Humanitarian snapshot

    According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in its “humanitarian snapshot” of the situation in Sudan of 13 April 2014, fighting in South Kordofan and Blue Nile continues to have dire humanitarian consequences; close to 250,000 refugees have fled into South Sudan and Ethiopia. Humanitarian actors are unable to access the worst affected areas in the two states. Meanwhile, more than 67,000 South Sudanese have sought refuge in Sudan since December 2013. As of 12 May, the estimated number of newly displaced in South Kordofan, as a result of the intensified fighting in April and May, is close to 116,000.

    Photo: On 4 and 5 January this year, joint forces of the SPLM-N and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) “destroyed and dispersed” eight Sudanese military convoys in Trogi, South Kordofan, in a battle that lasted for 24 hours.


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