SPLM-FPD Press Release about the mission to Juba
05:57 AM Jun, 06 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library at SudaneseOnline
SPLM LEADERS (FPD) PRESS RELEASE SPLM LEADERS PAY SUCCESSFUL MISSION TO JUBA SPLM Leaders in company of the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa who is also the Deputy President of the African National Congress (ANC), Cde Cyril Ramaphosa, the Secretary General of Tanzania’s Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Cde Abdulrahman Kinana together with the Foreign Ministers of Ethiopia and Kenya, Dr. Tadros Adhanom and H.E. Ambassador Amina Mohamed, visited Juba from 1st to 4th June, 2015. The purpose of the visit was to engage the President of the Republic of South Sudan and Chairman of the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM) and its entire leadership on how to stop the war and implement the SPLM Re-unification Agreement. While in Juba, the delegation had meetings with President Salva Kiir Mayardit and members of the SPLM Political Bureau, the National Liberation Council, leaders of the National Legislature (National Assembly and the Council of States) and members of the SPLM Parliamentary Caucus. The meetings were cordial and fruitful. The focus of the meetings was the need to expeditiously end the raging civil war in the country, reconcile and unite the people of South Sudan as well as the full implementation of the SPLM Re-unification Agreement. At this juncture, we wish to convey to the people of South Sudan, the Region and the international community in general that our mission to Juba achieved positive response from the President, SPLM leadership, other South Sudanese leaders and the public at large. We found strong support and desire for peace across the country and for the unity of the SPLM. The vast majority of our people believe that it is only the SPLM that can reunite and reconcile the people of South Sudan at this point in time given its role in the struggle for our freedom that led to the independence of the country. After this successful mission to Juba, SPLM Leaders (FPDs) will also engage the leadership of SPLM (IO) in Pagak or in any other location as deemed appropriate. The purpose is to raise with them same issues discussed in with SPLM leadership and ensure achieving comprehensive unity of the SPLM as agreed by the three SPLM groups in January, 2015. We believe that the unity of the SPLM will have positive bearing on the IGAD-led peace process which aims at stopping the war and achieving durable peace and stability in our war-torn country.  The participation in the mission to Juba by the Deputy President of the ANC and the Secretary General of CCM had special significance as the ANC and CCM are the Co-guarantors of the Arusha SPLM Re-unification Agreement. These sisterly parties were instrumental in bringing together the three SPLM Groups to discuss, resolve their differences and reach agreement on re-unification of the SPLM. Similarly, the participation of the foreign ministers of Ethiopia and Kenya was very crucial as this will enhance better coordination between Arusha SPLM re- unification and the IGAD-led Peace process both of which are complementary and mutually reinforcing. Finally, the SPLM Leaders (FDs) take this opportunity to ask the people of South Sudan to support this initiative that we have launched with the purpose of ensuring genuine dialogue with and amongst the key leaders of our country who have the power or capacity to bring a speedy end to this destructive was that is tearing apart the social fabric of our nation and threatening its unity. Let us all work for peace and the stability of our country! John Luk Jok Spokesman, SPLM Leaders (FDs) Nairobi, Kenya 5th June, 2015 أحدث المقالات
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