07-22-2014, 09:07 AM |
Gordon Buay
Gordon Buay
Registered: 04-12-2014
Total Posts: 34
For Immediate Release July, 22/7/2014 The rebels of Riek Machar once again violated the Cessation of Hostilities and attacked Ayod town at 8:30 AM. The attackers were White Army commanded by renegade Duop Lam, former Minister of Law Enforcement in Jonglei State from 2009 to December, 15, 2013. The SPLA forces repulsed the attack within one hour and inflicted heavy casualties on the marauding White Army. The SPLA forces, after conducting searches, found 64 dead bodies of the rebels most of whom are young boys below the ages of 18.
As it is now obvious that Riek Machar’s rebel-terrorists declared war against the government in a blatant violation of the Cessation of Hostilities signed in Addis Ababa, we request the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to dismiss Riek Machar from Ethiopia. The purpose Ethiopia hosts Riek Machar in hotel in Addis Ababa is to facilitate negotiations between the Government and the rebels. But since Riek Machar is not interested in peace, the Ethiopian Government must dismiss him from Addis Ababa.
It came to our attention that the wounded combatants of Riek Machar are being treated in Gambella, Ethiopia. After the SPLA defeated the rebels in Nasir on Sunday, the wounded rebels found their way to Gambella town. More than 54 wounded rebels are being treated in Gambella right now.
The Government of South Sudan is appealing to Ethiopian Government to ensure that wounded rebels are not treated in their territory. The Government of South Sudan signed border security agreement with the Government of Gambella region in 2011 so that no rebel is allowed to destabilize the border. The Government of South Sudan has so far deported 25 Ethiopian rebels to Addis Ababa to ensure that Ethiopian rebels do not use South Sudan territory to destabilize Ethiopia. Therefore, Ethiopian Government must implement the agreement by preventing wounded rebels to have access to hospitals in Ethiopia, particularly Gambella region.
For Contact: Gen. Gordon Buay Member of Other Armed Groups Integration Committee Juba, South Sudan Email: [email protected]