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News and Press ReleasesSPLA Completed Mopping-up Operation Near Nasir Town
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SPLA Completed Mopping-up Operation Near Nasir Town

07-21-2014, 04:43 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 337

SPLA Completed Mopping-up Operation Near Nasir Town

    For Immediate Release
    July, 21, 2014
    The SPLA forces launched a mopping-up operation on Monday morning by attacking the rebel-terrorists who assembled at Ketbek (2 km from Nasir town). After they were chased out of Nasir on Sunday, the rebels moved to Ketbek hoping to attack the town again. However, the SPLA Mechanized Platoon, supported by two helicopter gunships, attacked the rebels at 9 am and flushed them out of Ketbek. The SPLA inflicted heavy casualties and captured 10 PKM rifles, two 12.5, and 20 AK-47s. The SPLA forces counted 75 dead bodies of rebels at Ketbek.
    The Government of South Sudan is very saddened for the loss of young kids deceived by Riek Machar to fight the SPLA forces that are equipped with tanks and helicopter gunships. The fighting in Nasir is the most deadly one since Riek Machar declared himself as a rebel leader last year to topple a democratically elected Government. Within two days of fighting in Nasir, the White Army lost over 1,300 kids who should have been in school. This is a great loss to the Nuer in particular and the people of South Sudan in general. Most of the White Army who are now dying are between the ages of 14 and 18. These kids are the future of South Sudan but Riek Machar is killing them for his own parochial political ambition.
    The Government of South Sudan is appealing to Jikany Nuer to save their children from Riek Machar. The number of the White Army killed in Nasir within two days is seven times greater than the number killed in Malakal fighting from December, 2013 to May, 2014. The commander of SPLA forces in Nasir shed tears when he saw the dead bodies of 14 years old kids who are supposed to be in school.
    Riek Machar is an evil incarnate who wants to finish the Nuer younger generation. The Nuer intellectuals, elders and chiefs need to sit down to save their tribe from somebody like Riek Machar. The people of South Sudan are mourning the deaths of young Nuer kids deceived by the vicar of Ngundeng. What Riek Machar is doing to Nuer is a crime against humanity.
    As a Government, we are appealing to Nuer to save their community from Riek Machar. The death toll of the White Army in Nasir from July, 20—21 is unfathomable and peace-loving South Sudanese are crying why Riek Machar is killing Nuer kids because of a political power. The Nuer must stop Riek Machar from killing their kids. Stopping Riek Machar is a collective effort of the Nuer to save their community.
    For contact:
    Gen. Gordon Buay
    Member of the Other Armed Groups Integration Committee
    Email: [email protected]

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