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Rebel Commander Split From Riek Machar’s Movement

08-12-2014, 05:44 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 337

Rebel Commander Split From Riek Machar’s Movement

    For Immediate Release
    August, 11, 2014
    Rebel commanders of Riek Machar clashed near Nasir after they disagreed on whether they should fight the SPLA forces in Nasir town, Upper Nile state of South Sudan. On Saturday, the Chief Negotiator of the rebels, Taban Deng Gai, ordered renegade Garhoth Gatkuoth to attack the town. When Garhoth Gatkuoth called a meeting of his commanders on Saturday after receiving orders from Taban Deng, a disagreement ensued between him and Maj. Gen. Tuach Nyaw, who does not want Nasir to be attacked. The meeting took place in Jingmiir Payam, which is 30 KM east of Nasir town near Ethiopian border.
    On Sunday, forces loyal to Garhoth Gatkuoth, Thok Chol and Duer Tut attacked Nasir town at 7 am but were badly defeated by the constitutional army of South Sudan. The rebels lost 37 fighters and more than 125 were wounded. One of the rebels killed was a son of Maj. Gen. Tuach Nyaw, who refused to participate in the fight. Upon hearing the death of his son, he attacked forces loyal to Garhoth Gatkuoth and chased them out of Mading town, which is 45 KM east of Nasir. Gen. Tuach Nyaw didn’t know that Garhoth Gatkuoth ordered his son to take part in the attack against the SPLA forces in Nasir. His son graduated with Bachelors of Science from Addis Ababa University in June, 2013 in Petroleum Engineering.
    Maj. Gen. Tuach Nyaw, a veteran fighter who hailed from Gaguang section of Jikany clan, was depressed by the untimely death of his son and decided to spare the remaining Jikany youth. On Monday at 10, AM, he attacked the forces loyal to Garhoth Gatkuoth and captured Mading town. He declared himself as a separate faction. He condemned Garhoth Gatkuoth and Riek Machar for using underage children of Jikany to fight a meaningless war. He said that he would negotiate with the government of South Sudan as a separate faction in order to bring peace in Upper Nile state.
    It is not the first time for Riek Machar to experience splits within his Movement. In 1992, the SPLM/A—Nasir faction broke up and his Nuer commanders split along clan and sectional lines. Jikany and Lou Nuer commanders started fighting among themselves. In January, 1993, the Lou Nuer forces attacked Nasir and burned it down in what is known as Lou—Jikany civil war. That conflict paved the way for the Sudan Armed Forces to capture Nasir in March, 1993.
    History is now repeating itself again in 2014. The split of Maj. Gen. Tuach Nyaw is the beginning of the disintegration of Riek Machar’s rebel Movement as it happened in 1990s after Nuer commanders began fighting among themselves. The breakaway faction of Maj. General Tuach Nyaw will be fighting the forces loyal to Garhoth Gatkuoth. This is going to split Jikany clan along sectional lines. Besides, it is confirmed that Maj. Gen. Simon Gatwec Duel of Lou Nuer clan is not taking orders from Riek Machar.
    For contact:
    Gen. Gordon Buay
    Member of SPLA other Armed Groups Integration Committee
    Washington, D.C.
    Email: [email protected]

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