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News and Press ReleasesStatement from Sudan liberation Movement/Army on Islamists' terrorists base in Jabal Marra
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Statement from Sudan liberation Movement/Army on Islamists' terrorists base in Jabal Marra

01-24-2015, 05:36 PM
حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد
<aحركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد
Registered: 03-18-2014
Total Posts: 154

Statement from Sudan liberation Movement/Army on Islamists' terrorists base in Jabal Marra

    Jan 24, 2015-The Sudan government Janjaweed forces later called “The Rapid Support
    Forces”; in past six months have launched fierce systematic attacks
    against the innocent civilians in Darfur; particularly in Eastern
    Jabal Mara. These attacks increased in Jan 2015, that caused the death
    of 100 innocent civilians and other of hundreds injured raped and
    looted; in addition to that about 85,000 people are displaced, and
    more than 100 village were burnt down to ashes as a result of these
    barbaric attack.
    The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army have very confidential information
    that, the regime in Khartoum has piled up and increased its military
    presence in Jabal Mara to implement its last plan that aims to expel
    all the citizens living around Jabal Mara; and take over Jabal Marra
    as a safe haven to host the international Islamic terrorists groups,
    to destabilized the regional and neighboring countries of Sudan that
    includes, Egypt, South Sudan, Uganda, Central African Republic, Chad
    and Libya.
    The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army warns the Regional and
    International community to take the steps of Khartoum Islamist regime
    to create base for the Islamist terrorists groups very seriously.
    These steps are intended to cause regional and international
    insecurity. However; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army as a power
    fighting the Islamist in the region since year May 2000; is able to
    defeat the terrorist groups as it happened in previous combats and
    others to come.
    The terrorism and fundamentalism today; is worldwide phenomenon that
    needs collective efforts from humanist and good hearted people around
    the world; to put an end to it. Without extermination of the
    terrorists and those condone them; the status of peace, security and
    stability in this world would be impossible to be achieved it.
    Sudan of today has become a safe refuge to international terrorists
    groups, they are well trained in Sudan and given Sudanese Diplomatic
    passports for their free moves to cause havoc in the world. Our
    movement information and has list of the Islamists groups supported by
    Khartoum; such as Al Qaida man Osama Ben Laden who visited Jabal Mara
    in Darfur more than 5 times, Aiman Al Zawahiri, Joseph Coney of Lord
    Resistance Army who one time was seen in Al Genena West Darfur and was
    planning to enter Jabal Mara, Alshabab of Somalia who are trained in
    Sudan, lately Boko Haram group, Libya Islamist, Egyptians Islamists
    who fled to Sudan after Military Coup in Egypt, in addition to Yemen,
    Iraq and Syrian Islamist groups. Today such groups are not only
    dangerous in for the security of Sudan, but the entire world. So let
    us unite to defeat them.

    Abdul Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Alnor
    Founder/ Chairman of Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

Arabic Forum

02-01-2015, 05:57 AM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818

Re: Statement from Sudan liberation Movement/Army on Islamists' terrorists base (Re: حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد)

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