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Rally at Front of the United Nations To Stop: Genocide, Rape and Human Rights Abuses In Sudan
Rally at Front of the United Nations To Stop: Genocide, Rape and Human Rights Abuses In Sudan
07:29 PM September, 23 2016 Sudanese Online اعلانات سودانيزاونلاين-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL Contact: Mohamed Ebaed: 718 415 1970, Omar Abdul Sawe: 863 602 7925 On Sunday, September 25, 2016 people from Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile , Sudanese Diaspora and American Activists, are gathering at Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza (East 47th Street and 1st Avenue ) to express their grave concern about the ongoing genocide and war in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile and Human rights violations all over Sudan Since January 2016, Jabal Marra (Darfur) has witnessed a wave of violent attacks and a complete destruction of human life by the Janjaweed militias "Rapid Support Forces (RSF)" and airial bombardments. Hundreds of people were killed, tens of villages were destroyed. In September 2016 the RSF lounched a new attack on villeges around Kutum (North Darfur), these attacks reulted in kill of more than 10 people so far and displaced hundreds of pleople, same situation takes place in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile, where millions of people have been live in blockade made by Sudan regime to deprive peope the access to food and humanterian assistance since 2012. thousands of people were killed by sudanese war planes’ attacks and RSF raids on villages and towns. In mid August 2016 Cholera epidemic outbreaked in the region of Blue Nile, So far, Sudan regime enfoces a full blackout about the epidemic. the Rally demands that the United Nations and UNSC: Exert pressure on Sudan's regime to immediately cease the violent attacks and air bombing in Darfur and Nuba Mountains. And allows unhindered humanitarian access to the needy in the war torn places in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile. Exert pressure on Sudan’s regime to immediately release all internal displaced persons (IDPs), students, politicians and Human Rights Activists. Exert pressure on Khartoum to declare the state of emergency in Blue Nile region and surrounding areas to stop the spread out of the cholera epidemic and allows doctors, medical organizations get access to the area to provide medicine and medical care and treatment. Make all efforts to bring the long awaited justice for the victims of genocide in Darfur and Sudan at large. What: Rally to urge the United Nations and UNSC to Stop: Genocide, Rape and Human Rights Abuses in Sudan When Sunday, September 25th, 2016 Time: 12:00 am to 4:00 pm Where: Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza - 47th St - Between 1st Ave New York NY 10017 The Rally Sponsored by: Darfur People’s Association of New York, Sudanese Opposition Forces in the United States, Sudanese Marginalized Forum in US, International Nuba Mountains Association, Blue Nile people’s Association, Darfur Human Rights of US, Darfur Associations’ Alliance in U أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 23 سبتمبر 2016
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المنبر العام
الفرق شنو بين الرجم والشنقيا أيمن نواى على....نتاليا يعقوب بقت مذيعة في سودانية 24اناشد الامين العام للامم المتحدة بن كي مون باصدار قرار بتوقيف الرئيس السوداني عمر البشير مقالات .. نُشرت مؤخَّرا بالصحافة الخرطومية لسكان منطقة واشنطن: لقد تم تعديل عنوان الحفل الخيري بقيادة هادية طلسم إلى العنوان التالي:قر، قر، قر، اضمحلال المنبر العام بلغو الحديثيقظة العروسحالة آل-كُذَيْبان التي حَـنَّـنَتْ الإسرائيليـان ..!لا عداء(حقيقي)بين الحركة الإسلامية والحركة الشعبية؛فهما صنيعة الصهيونية والامبرالية العالمية!إجازة شهور العدة حق يجيزه قانون العمل السودانيو اخيرا نطق الحزب الشيوعي بالحقيقة حمد الله علي السلامة هل بات على السعودية سحب ذيول وهابيتها من العالم؟؟!!نتنياهو:الكثير من دول المنطقةأدركت أن إسرائيل حليف ضد العدو المشترك"إيران وداعش"!شوال الدقيق .. في بلادي حيث يبكي الساذجونْ.. و يصلونَ.. و يزنونَ..الموءتمر التأسيسي الاول للشبكة الدولية لمنظمات المجتمع المدني لجبال النوبةنسألكم الدعاء (غيب الموت الذي ننتظره تباعا المرحوم كمال تيتاوي له الرحمه والمغفرة)ماراثون السيدات للتجديف والكانوى ينطلق يوم السبتعباس الدسيس تعال نتحاور براحة في رسالة الى أمي الانت ختيتها في الواطة سبـــــــتمــــــبر
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