Racism and Targeting Sudanese Refugees in Egypt
06:10 PM Nov, 18 2015 Sudanese Online تقارير سودانيزاونلاين-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers are subject to persecution in the host country (Egypt) on basis of race, nationality and political opinion. The two keywords that describe the Sudanese refugee community situation are: RACISM and TARGETING.
Although the Sudanese refugees from regions of Middle, North and East Sudan looks like Nubian Egyptians; however, they face doubled racism in some areas and institutions on account of their different accent, Egypt's ambitions on the Sudanese natural resources and history of sensitivities between the two neighboring nations.
The blatant evidence of what is said above is the non- implementation of the four freedoms agreement between Sudan and Egypt by the Egyptian party. The Sudanese (refugees and non- refugees) needs to get a visa before they come to Egypt, pay fees to renew their residence permit every 6 months, while they neither enjoy freedom of opening a pharmacy nor of a medical clinic…
On November 05, 2014, the community of Middle, North and East Sudan Refugees community (MNERC) was subject to threats by a senior UNHCR employee inside UNHCR building, as result of tabling issues of corruption, which includes keeping refugees as hostages for decades in Egypt in order to fulfill some agenda outside UNHCR's mandate, and to milk the international community. Also MNERC members were subject to another threat on Monday, March 30, 2015, inside Caritas building, Garden city; upon addressing some issues of corruption.
Different means and mechanisms are used to operate corruption, chicanery, and targeting, Such as fabrication of cases against Sudanese refugees, disappearance of police reports from their files, changing of UNHCR file numbers, refusal of recognition of UNHCR's refugee registration cards by all money transfer agencies, banks, and all mobile phone companies inside the Egyptian territories; as well as prohibiting accepted refugees from practicing freedom of movement for decades, and refusal to give work permit for Sudanese… etc.
Consequently, the factors of corruption, racism, targeting and agenda beyond UNHCR's mandate, have negative impact on protection and livelihood of Sudanese refugees in Egypt; especially those refugee activists, and those who criticize the position of the government of their country of origin, in maintaining the Sudanese state sovereignty.
Executive Office
Middle, North and East Sudan Refugees Committee in Egypt (MNERC)
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