Promising Sudanese Youths Win Scholarships in Japan
06:40 PM Aug, 31 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library at SudaneseOnline
PRESS RELEASE2015_8 27 August 2015 House No64, Block No18 Al-Riyadh, Khartoum

3 Sudanese youth were awarded scholarship for master’s degree and internship in Japan, under the Second batch of the African Business Education Initiative for the Youth (ABE Initiative). They will be dispatched to Japan for three years; from September 2015 to September 2018. The accepted candidates will join other 5 Sudanese students who were accepted in the first batch of the initiative last year, They will be a real addition to Japan’s efforts in the field of Human Resource Development in Sudan, as JICA has provided training opportunities in Japan and other countries to around 3,000 Sudanese since 2009 This year’s accepted candidates are: Mr. Mohamed Abdullah ADAM (Impacts of Pesticides on Crops), Mr. Omer Badi Mohammed Badi (promotion biological properties of soils and productivity of sorghum), Mr. Yasir Hassan Widatalla (Science and Technology). Before leaving to Japan, the participants were invited to JICA Sudan Office, where they had an orientation on the training program. Mr. Seiichi Koike, Chief Representative of JICA Sudan Office, addressed the participants, confirming their future action plans to benefit from the program. He further advised them to focus not only on academics but also on observing the Japanese private sector experiences and the culture as well. Aiming at supporting young personnel who have the potential to contribute to the development of industries in Africa and to strengthen business relations between Japan and African countries, the initiative was announced at the fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 5), held in Yokohama in
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