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Press Statement on the Technical Workshop by JEM and SLA/MM

12-12-2013, 06:02 AM

Press Statement on the Technical Workshop by JEM and SLA/MM

    Press Statement on the Technical Workshop by JEM and SLA/MM

    The representatives of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) led by Dr. Gibril Ibrahim and that of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Minni Minawi led by Arko Minni Minawi took part in the three-day workshop 9-11 Dec 2013.

    The SLA/M-MM and JEM highly appreciate for the relentless efforts of JSR/JCM Dr. Mohamed Bin Chambas in search of comprehensive peace in Sudan in collaboration with other regional and international actors and stakeholders. The participation of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the thoughtful contributions and moral support added real value to the Addis Ababa workshop thankfully organized by UNAMID and IGAD. The people and government of Federal Republic of Ethiopia deserve special words of gratitude for hosting the workshop.

    The two Movements:
    1. Reiterated their sincere commitment to comprehensive, inclusive, just and sustainable negotiated peaceful settlement of the Sudanese conflicts. Such a settlement is attainable only through the unification of the peace tracks and invitation of all the parties to the conflict around one negotiating table. The movements are strongly convinced that partial peace agreements are doomed and proved to prolong the plight of the affected populations and opens the door for further disintegration of the country;
    2. Emphasized the importance of creating a conducive environment for peace talks through confidence building measures to pave the way for a comprehensive, inclusive, just and durable peace. Release of political prisoners and detainees and exchange of prisoners of war are good signs of goodwill and interest in negotiated settlement;
    3. Also reiterated the importance of creating channels of communication and liaison with UNAMID and the humanitarian organizations in order to alleviate the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Darfur as well as the South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Furthermore, the movements confirmed their commitment to facilitate unimpeded flow of relief to the needy and emphasized the need of all the parties to the conflict to help:
    a- Create a conducive environment to enable humanitarian NGOs to provide assistance and support to needy populations and facilitate the role of UNAMID to carry-out its mandate and protect civilians in war affected areas;
    b- Allow the expelled INGOs to return to Sudan and resume their most needed humanitarian work;
    c- Stop the aerial bombardment which is the main cause of destabilization and mounting civilian casualties. The Movements call for the enforcement of a no-fly zone in accordance to UNSC resolutions 1593 and 2046.

    4. The Movements expressed their commitment to respect and promote the principles of international humanitarian law and human rights and the values enshrined in international treaties and conventions related to rights of individuals, women and children. The Movements appeal to the regional and international communities to resort to more effective measures to observe the blatant violations and abuses of human rights in Sudan.
    5. In order to help alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Darfur, Blue Nile and the South Kordofan, the Movements expressed their readiness to negotiate a temporary comprehensive cessation of hostilities as the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) with the government of Sudan (GoS). In this regard, the Movements re-affirmed their commitment not to obstruct relief convoys or their workers and development projects.

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