12-14-2015, 05:20 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
President Al-Bashir Affirms State and Party Adherence to Shura Method
05:20 PM Dec, 14 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dec. 14 (SUNA)- President of the Republic and Chairman of the National Congress, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, said that the international community has lost much by isolation of Sudan, especially that Sudan can provide a good model in tolerance which is lacking in the current disturbed world.Addressing the opening sitting of the Annual Thought Conference of the National Congress, President Al-Bashir said that the arrogance forces have staged a fierce war against Sudan.The opening sitting was attended by leaderships of the National Congress and the state, scholars, thinkers and intellectuals from inside Sudan and abroad and members of the diplomatic corps in Khartoum.He affirmed Sudan need to apply thought in different issues which necessitate solutions coping with the era.He urged the conferees to consider the political, social, economic and cultural changes that occurred in the country following cession of South Sudan toward avoiding the negative impacts of these changes through integration with outcome of the other forums.President Al-Bashir said that there shall not be succumbing to the targeting, enmity and wars against Sudan, indicating that the hostilities against Sudan were targeting the vast resources of the country and the Sudanese citizen who is known for his good deeds and values and humanity.He affirmed the state and the party's adherence to the method of Shura and consultation.President Al-Bashir has referred to the state's holding of several sectoral conferences in the early days of the National Salvation Revolution which have helped formulating plans and strategies.He said that convocation of the Annual Thought Conference of the National Congress and the National Dialogue Conference provides evidence on the concern with thought and thinkers for reaching solutions. أحدث المقالات- تحد على الهواء مباشرة..!! بقلم نور الدين محمد عثمان نور الدين
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