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Polish, Italian companies express desire to invest in Sudan
12-03-2015, 05:36 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
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Polish, Italian companies express desire to invest in Sudan
05:36 PM Dec, 03 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dec. 3 (SUNA) Polish and Italian companies have expressed their desire to invest in the industrial field in Sudan.This came during the meeting of the Minister of Industry Dr. Mohammed Yousif Ali on the sidelines of the ministerial conference of the least developed countries lead by the (UNIDO) in Vienna when he met with 10 Polish companies operating in various industrial domains in the presence of represented for the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the Sudanese embassy in Vienna, where all these companies have shown interest in investing in Sudan.The mentioned companies are working in the fields of (petrochemical, building and construction, water purification, cement, hazardous waste processing), while some of them work in the field of hydro and solar energy.The minister has reviewed the abound resources of the Sudan and privileges guaranteed by the investment Act for foreign investors, he gave a detailed explanation on the industrial sectors of priority, and the objectives of the economic reform program and its priorities.The Minister of Industry has extended invitation to these companies to participate in Khartoum International Fair in January next year, and the industrial investment forum.Meanwhile, the Sudan's delegation met with the Italian CNH company, which work in the field of motors and vehicles and have expressed desire to investing in Sudan as a stand-alone or in participation with a national investor, where the company has been invited to participate in the forum of industrial investment.The Minister of Industry will hold a meeting with the directors of the projects implemented in the Sudan to review the situation of the work progress in implementation to remove the obstacles facing the work. أحدث المقالات- 27 شخصاً يمثلون أمام محكمة في الخرطوم بتهمة الردة على خلفية حضورهم منتدى لجماعة قرآنية
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