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Paris Communique To unite the forces of change in order to end the war and establish a democratic s

08-15-2014, 06:48 PM
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Paris Communique To unite the forces of change in order to end the war and establish a democratic s

    Paris Communique
    To unite the forces of change in order to end the war and establish a democratic state based on equal citizenship

    The delegations of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the National Uma Party (NUP), under the leadership of Malik Agar and Alsadig Almahdi, respectively, met in Paris between the 6th and the 8th of August 2014, to fulfil the aspirations of the Sudanese people and the active forces who yearning for the unity of all forces of change, including political forces and civil societies. Such a unity puts an end to the Khartoum regime strategies to remain in power through the creation of divisions and doubts between forces of change and through the tearing of the Sudanese social fabric.

    The meetings addressed, in full transparency and constructive criticism, the past experiences in Sudan and affirmed the desire of the Sudanese people for a bright future which will not be attained without the unity of the democratic alternative forces and the mobilization of forces of change in order to stop the war, provide security for the Sudanese citizens, specially the internally displaced and refugees in order to return to their original home, comprehensive democratic change and the establishment of the state based on citizens’ equality. Moreover, the meeting discussed how to lift the sufferings and improve the deteriorated living conditions of Sudanese people. It also encourages campaigns to reveal the magnitude of corruptions in Sudan and how to return stolen capital and assets to the Sudan treasury. At the conclusion of the meetings, the parties agreed on the following;

    End of the Wars:
    1- The parties affirm their commitment to the unity of the Sudan on basis of justice and equal citizenship.
    2- The end of the war is the right approach to any credible national dialogue and serious constitutional undertakings, coupled with explicit provision of freedoms and agreement on the arrangements for transitional government.
    3- Recognizing the urgency of addressing the humanitarian situations and in a gesture of appreciation for the meeting, the SRF declared its readiness for cessation of hostilities in all areas of operations.
    4- The parties call for the use of this opportunity of cessation of hostilities, which is extendable, in order to provide security and safety for citizens, address the humanitarian situations, stop the indiscriminate aerial bombardment and to chart a more credible process of national and constitutional dialogue.
    5- The parties agreed to abide by the principles of non- impunity, realization of justice, accountability, restitution, and addressing grievances.
    6- The parties agreed to make this agreement available to all regional and international stakeholders, especially the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP), Ethiopia, Egypt, Chad, the League of Arab States (LAS), the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU), and to seek their support for the attainment of the agreement’s goals.
    7- The parties affirms that the regime in Khartoum bears responsibility for the promotion of violence in the Sudan politics, the targeting of civilians, the expansion of war zones, war crimes and the separation of South Sudan.
    8- The SRF affirms its desire to end the war, which has been imposed on them by the Khartoum government, and to move to a democratic system of government, however, the main obstacle has been the attempts by the regime to buy time and consolidate its power through an unreliable and void national dialogue.
    9- The regime in Khartoum bears responsibility of deliberately and systematically promoting ethnic rivalries to tear the Sudanese social fabric. The parties affirm that the avoidance of such ethnic confrontation rests on the establishment of state that is based on equal citizenship and the achievement of a comprehensive democratic transformation.
    10- The parties affirm that the war affected regions have special situation. Hence, the parties agreed that the priority is to address the humanitarian situations, citizens’ security and safety, internal displacement and refuge, the land, individual and collective restitution, the region and center relations, the rebuilding of the state and the importance of affirmative arrangements for war affected regions.

    Public Freedoms and Democratic Transformation:
    1- The parties discussed the relation between state and religion in depth as one of the central issues, and agreed to continue the dialogue in order to arrive at a formulation acceptable to all.
    2- The Sudanese opposition forces agree that the measure to create a conducive atmosphere for a serious national dialogue, or a purposeful constitutional process, requires measures to establish a conducive climate and providing public freedoms. In this regards, the two parties are calling for the immediate release of all political detainees and those convicted of political crimes and journalists, and chief among them is Mr. Ibrahim Al-Shaikh, Chairman of the Sudanese Congress Party, and the exchange of prisoners of war between the SRF and the Government of Sudan.
    3- The Election: The two parties agreed on the boycott any future general elections, unless it is held under a transitional government that end the wars and provide public freedoms and supported by a national consensus as a result of an inclusive dialogue involving all.

    Unity of the Forces of Change:
    1- The two parties are full cognizant that the achieving the aims of this declaration without achieving the unity of the forces of change, thereby the parties, present the Paris Declaration to all political forces and civil society organizations within the framework of our joint efforts with these forces to realize change and the forces that working to bring it about.
    2- The cause of women, youths and students, and their active participation in formulating the program for change, and in uniting the forces for change is a pivotal issue which demands approaching these forces to ensure their effective participation.
    3- Engaging with the issue-based movements, and key among these are those representing communities affected by the building of dams along the Nile, and those of the unfairly dismissed from public service, as well as, addressing the destruction of national landmark public projects; all of which demand an appropriate attention within the scope of actions aimed at uniting the forces of change.
    4- The two parties agree that there is no contradiction between our people desire for a comprehensive peaceful solution within the framework of a constitutional process to end the war and achieve democratic transition, and a popular peaceful uprising as tried and tested alternative. We must work for a comprehensive peaceful solution as preferred option, and to press ahead with working for a popular uprising so long as the regime continues to reject a peaceful settlement.

    The War in the State of South Sudan:

    The State of South Sudan is closest country to the Sudanese people: in the past, the present and in the future. The two parties confirm their support for the regional and international efforts to bring about peace, reconciliation and stability in South Sudan. They further agree to call upon the two-sides of the conflict and urging them to bring the war to a speedy end, and on the aspiration of the Sudanese peoples for union between two independent states.

    Regional Neighbors and the Wider International Community:

    The two parties agree that Sudan must not become an arena for polarization where regional and international rivalries are played out. At the same time, Sudan must fully normalize relations with its African and Arab neighbors, and desist from destabilizing its neighbors, especially those on its borders, and it must dedicate itself to work for international cooperation and stability. The parties agreed to engage it's regional neighbors and the international community, and to contribute in the search for a formula that will enable Sudan to normalize relations with it's neighbors and with the broader international community.

    In conclusion, the two parties agree on further engagement to continue their dialogue, organizing visits to displaced persons and refugee camps, and in promoting the Paris Declaration to Sudanese, regional and international communities. The parties further intend mobilize internationally support for the Declaration, and for its aim of ending the war, achieving democratic transition and of establishing a new regime that can satisfy the Sudanese people's demands for change.

    Saddig Almahdi Chairman Umma National Party
    Malik Agar Chairman Sudan Revolutionary Front.

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