07-12-2014, 11:19 PM |
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495
Pan-AfricanInternational Advocacy Group; Sign now and free Ibrahim Al Shaikh
RELEASE OF IBRAHIM Al SHAIKH and OTHERS FROM POLITICAL DETENTION IN SUDAN (Release 1 ~ 11 July 2014) We, the undersigned being committed to the advancement, promotion and protection of fundamental human rights, and concerned by the recent developments in Sudan, in as far as the arrest and detention of Mr. Ibrahim al Shaikh, Leader of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP), and others do hereby: AFFIRM: 1. The recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human race is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and in Sudan in particular; 2. That the equal and fair treatment of all Sudanese nationals, in the whole of the Sudan, more especially in the areas of conflict, is a right for all; 3. Our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women; WE DECLARE THAT: 1. The criminalization of discussions pertaining to the militia background and constitutionally questionable formation of the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) constitutes an astonishing and deeply shocking violation of fundamental international human rights law. 2. We stand by the contention that what Ibrahim al Shaikh has said with regard to the militia background and constitutionally questionable formation of the RSFs and all accusations of human rights violations and crimes against humanity allegedly committed by them either in Darfur or South and North Kordofan, or any other part of Sudan, for that matter, should not be incriminated by any law. 3. The issues that Ibrahim al Shaikh addressed himself to, are directly related to the safety of civilians and the public, and as such, a red line should not be drawn against publicly discussing such issues. 4. In light of the fact that there is no democracy under dictatorship, we categorically and unequivocally assert that the nullification of all anti-democratic laws and acts is a precondition to any democratic transformation. WE, THUS PETITION: African Commission on Human and People's Rightsand#8203; African Union Commission African Union High-Level Implementation Panel African Union Peace and Security Council African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur Arab League Pan African Parliament The Intergovernmental Authority on Development United Nations General Assembly UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa United Nations Office to the African Union TO: Exert diplomatic pressure, including, where deemed necessary, the use of international isolation on the Sudanese government to ensure that the Sudanese government, in the interests of the Sudanese people and the advancement, promotion and protection of fundamental international human rights, does the following: TO: 1. Unconditionally releaseIbrahim al Shaikhand the rest of his party members, arrested and facing the sameor similarcharges. 2. Unconditionally release all Sudanese nationals who have beenunder political detention. 3. Ensure, in earnest, the initiation of all processes necessary to facilitate an unbiased, truly representative and democratic national dialogue. 4. Lift, repeal and/or annul all laws pertaining to censorship and confiscation of newspapers and restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, with immediate effect. 5. Ensure that the dismantlement of the un-constitutionally created and constituted RSFs should be implemented with immediate effect, under the supervision of the African Union Peace and Security Council and The Intergovernmental Authority on Development. 6. Constitute an investigation committee, under the supervision of African Union Peace and Security Council and The Intergovernmental Authority on Development, to probe the atrocities attributed to the RSFs, immediately following the dismantling of the said RSFs. Freedom forIbrahimal Shaikhand all detainees! Long Live the Sudan! Freedom, Peace, and Justice! List of Detainees(not complete) 1. Mr.IbrahimalShaikh, Leader oftheSudan Congress Party (SCP); in detention since 06June2014; 2. Mr. Dr.SideegNoreen, formerSCP SecretaryGeneral in AlNuhud, WestKordofanState; in detention since 16January2014; 3. Mr. MohammedNourTeraab, SCP Chairman inSodari, NorthKordofanState; in detention since 27May2014; 4. Mr.AbdulmajidMohammedHikimdar, SCP Secretary General inSodari, NorthKordofan; in detention since27 May 2014; 5. Mr.AbdalbagiAbdullah Ahmad, SCP member inSodari, NorthKordofan; in detention since27 May 2014; 6. Mr. AhmedFathiBalula, SCP member inSodari, NorthKordofan; in detention since27 May 2014; 7. Mr. Marwan JacobArja, student (University of Khartoum, Faculty of Engineering) and SCP member: in detention since11 June 2014; 8. Mr.FathiMohammed, student (Khartoum University, Faculty of Economics) and SCP member; in detention since06 June 2014; 9. Mr.NaseeruddinMohammed Hussein, student (Sudan University, College of Agriculture) and SCP member; in detention since11 June 2014; 10. Mr. MohamedAbdin, student (Sudan University, College of Agriculture) and SCP member; in detention since11 June 2014 11. Mr. Abdul Rahim Osman, student (University of WestKordofan, Faculty of Medicine) and SCP member; in detention since11 June 2014; 12. Mr. Hassan Isaac, a journalist atAljareedaDailyNewspaper; in detention since11June 2014 13. Ali Mahdi alSanusi, SCP Chairman inAlnuhud, WestKordofanState; in detention since27june2014; 14. Mrs.SamyaKiirAbdullah, SCP Secretary General inAlnuhud, WestKordofanState; in detention since27 June 2014; 15. Mr. Abdel Halim Adam Mohamed Ibrahim, former SCP secretary general inAlnuhud, WestKordofanState; in detention since27 June 2014. 16. ALL other Sudanese nationals who are under political detention(Although nonameswereavailable to us at the time of issuing this petition, we are reliably led to believe that there are several others (not in this list) also in political detention.
Presented by Pan-AfricanInternational Advocacy Group